

17 Jul


Until a throne is actually taken, you're only holding the door for the true rulers. 8 titles 7 titles. I think of titles like kingdoms.... Sssooooo

16 Jul


Originally posted by Mrryn91

Agreed honestly. As someone who started watching pro League in the age of Primetime League, I miss this style of content. I don't mind the serious, ESPN-style approach here and there for game days, but stuff like this sprinkled in gives it some flavor I enjoy and helps keeps the product lively and less stale. And I think, with the change to the Countdown before game days to different shows, LCS production is catching on and stepping up in that regard (being in the studio again helps with that, I'm sure lol)

PTL and that ghost pepper challenge... W t f was I thinking. To Ben the producer behind it, I miss ya buddy!


I see a fair few commets saying the cast was disrespectful and I'd like to challenge that. I made a conscious choice to turn to humour and not focus on all the small mistakes and slightly messy plays. I feel confident that Andy and I represented both teams fairly, but funny instead of stone cold serious and crtical. I had fun, I laughed and I celebrated the SK win! I'm hopeful and confident more people enjoyed the cast and just wanted to share some reasoning for those that didn't.

10 Jul


I'd like to voice one ๐Ÿ˜ deleted. Flash. Bear. Slap. Cacoon. You know the classics.

26 Jun


Originally posted by Syd2J

I don't think it's fair to let Quickshot cast Misfits' games.

I mean, both the love of his life and his wife work for them.

The joy I feel when the org does well for the love of my life and the team plays well for my love of league. It was a good day.

25 Jun


That wasn't my best cast and that was a really strange game to cast, ultimately FNC had control the entire time but as much as I could have criticized I could also compliment. Man my brain is fried trying to understand

19 Jun


Originally posted by Exc0undr3l

I never pay attention to twitch chat xD

I think it's better this split as there are better expectations for talent rotations etc.

Jamada and hiprain are doing amazing though especially for their first ever lec cast

Nor do I.


Originally posted by foolsembrace

peak boomer moment

I wish this wasn't so true. But it is.


Originally posted by philip2110

That's fair historically but in a segment where XL and Fnatic academy teams are mentioned saying the region has failed after they made finals the previous season is a weird take.

You're absolutely correct. I should have made if clearer the time frame that lead to my statement! Thanks for the catch!


Originally posted by philip2110

What is Quickshot talking about with the UK / Nordic scene always failing at EUM. BTXL literally were in the finals in Spring.

Years of painful performances have left scars which need more successes to cover over. I wasn't as clear about exact time frames though!

13 Jun


Originally posted by MrVsbi

Just let Quickshot cast alone please

Out of interest what specifically did you dislike. I thought Guldborg did very well for his first LEC casts and we already have some ideas of where to develop, like every new caster there is a ramp up in skills as well as familiarity with fans. It's normal when anything or anyone new is introduced.

12 Jun


Originally posted by dracdliwasiAN

Laure, that was such a good segment, I love how confident you sound and look!


11 Jun

08 May


Omg I lost it. What an ending

04 May

01 May

23 Apr


I'm so sad to see you go especially as we've spent so much time casting together in the last few years. I'm excited to see where you go next and as we've already talked about, we're going to try work together where it makes sense in the coming months!

For any LEC fans trust that we will do our best to look for a colour caster to join our team based in Berlin. In the interim I think we've built up a strong network of guests, dial in appearances and have plenty of talent to look towards from a variety of places to complete our core team in Berlin while still leaning on the guests and remote appearances to keep the broadcast varied and entertaining.

11 Apr