

29 Mar


Originally posted by Omnilatent

At which exact point in time did your pants rip? 😂

Scroll back on my twitter a fan made a meme that's a few seconds before the moment. I was reading the FNC caps 2018 story sitting down just before Kevin pulled me back.

Super behind the scenes share btw, I have sit down pants and standing pants in my show wardrobe. I was wearing standing pants and sat down... Problems ensued


One of the most complex segments I've ever been involved in and interesting for cameras too. We originally planned to do this prerecorded but ended up doing it live, omg it was intense.


Originally posted by LeX1488

No mention of alex_ich really rubbed me the wrong way. He was part of the holy trinity of eu mids not f**king ocelote.

100% accidental slip. It was in prompter, in my script, in the prep and the videos and as I was changing which prompter to read in the studio (I used 6 different screens fyi) I just missed it. I explained it on twitter immediately after and feel gutted I missed it for the live version.

26 Mar


Originally posted by Javonetor

btw, i know Drakos is currently in covid quarantine, but why Medic isn't rotating with Quickshot?

i thought, as he casted yesterday, today would be an old man cast

Old man cast tomorrow! For G2and FNC I haven't casted as often this spring and Medic is in better form than I am! So he for sure deserves this cast alongside what I think is the best colour duo on the planet. This is a banger tricast and I'm hyped to watch from home.


Originally posted by DimlightHero

Talking about FNC vs G2 and not mentioning SK. SMH

There was a brief mention about how FNC> gambit SK origen etc.

25 Feb


Second thought just because it's on my mind.

Feedback and opinions are not the same. If you write you hated the cast and my hype was flat, that's an opinion. It becomes feedback whe you add context and ideally very specific reference points that didn't land for you so that it becomes tangible and meaningful for me to work with, review and then have a discussion about the different perspective.

By all means share you opinions, that's what this site is for, but please don't confuse it with feedback.


I've read the comments and wanna confirm I was a little distracted today. I didn't find a rythym in games and had a lot of real life stuff on my mind. I'll learn from this and do better next time!!

I must say that I'm surprised by the amount of feedback. So I wanted to let you know that I'll watch this back in a few days with fresh eyes and distance from today! It's pretty common to also ask for feedback from the LEC crew so I'll check in with them too!

Thanks to everyone who wrote comments without crossing into personal attacks. I truly appreciate feedback, but ideally like to read something with a bit of structure and reasoning included.❤️❤️ .


Originally posted by TheWarmog

Sorry quickshot but to say this was good league of legends on the side of vitality (to the point of "shades of g2 2019 if i heard well) you gotta be blind.

This game was an absolute clusterf**k and far, far faaaar away from clean.

Out of interest what makes you feel that way? I'm interested to hear your perspective because even now, a few hours later I feel as though VIT were playing the game several minutes ahead the entire game literally from the draft.


Originally posted by Piro42

When the commentators praised VIT "clean macro game", I didn't know they meant inting 4 party members to let minions push the nexus.

I firmly believe those players have the skills, knowledge and personality types to discuss keeping SK busy while the minions killed the base. Under the assumption that what I said happened, that's incredible macro and mind games against their opponents.


Oh man I definitely did not hit my normal flow in this game. I was really struggling to find my usual grove. I really wanted to be more critical but felt it would make it a super hard to watch if I was railing on everything we all watched. Then I got caught in my head in a loop of uncertainty what I wanted to do. Every idea my brain came up with all came up short of the quality I aim to hit.

Lots on the mind from every possible angle and this game I was distracted.

12 Feb


Originally posted by AQWrazorX

Obligatory shoutout to Quickshot as well for again being a perfect co-caster for people new to the LEC, similar vibes to when he casted with Caedrel in Worlds 2020 Play-Ins



Originally posted by Nymaera_

Can confirm, I love me a shitshow game

Young padawan, such negative wording... Come now. Use your words no need for such a cheap negative perspective. Consider clown fiesta, happy game, are you not entertained to suggest a few, no need for such negativity when all we had was laughs and smiles 😀😀


Originally posted by Cahootie

Nukeduck, you've got a huge package, will you slap it in the face of BDS?


It was such a cheap tactic but it got your attention!

IM BAAAAACK!!! I love casting so much haha.

03 Feb

29 Jan

28 Jan


Originally posted by OldBenX

Critical Role references? In my LEC?

Critter for life :D

14 Jan


So glad to be back, felt quite nervous but once the show started it was mostly smooth sailing. We got a few technical issues to work through and the team are aware of them!

13 Jan


What a banger MOTW to open the season. It's good to be back and it's awesome to see the content team at LEC still kicking ass :D LOVE YOU ALL

08 Jan


Originally posted by ferdinostalking

Grandpa Quickshot is 34, I want to sit on his lap and listen to stories from his youth, back in the medieval times

If you ever meet me at a show, show me your Reddit account, this comment, and it shall be done.