06 Mar


Originally posted by Rogue009

Hi! I'm a new player so this might be an irrelevant question, but here goes:

Is the pricing in different regions meant to be this... intimidating?

Let me elaborate, I started playing with my 5 friends 2 weeks ago, we've had a blast so far, I wanted to look into getting skins, and I figured a bundle might be alright since we are playing daily.

But... since my country doesn't use Euros/Dollars(Forint instead), the most Valorant Point I can buy won't even let me buy the bundle. I have to spend 110 euros to buy the bundle and have leftovers. I know this is a strategy, but it feels really bad (and makes the game seem more greedy) that I literally have to buy the most Valorant Points I can and STILL need to buy more, it doesn't feel right by me. And buying enough points to buy a single Phantom skin still requires me to buy the 3rd most expensive option. Sorry if this isn't your field.

Currency conversion rates are set at a central level. It's designed so that lower GDP regions have more favorable currency rates versus higher GDP regions. What's your specific country/currency combination?


Originally posted by Sfopus

Do you guys have an estimation on when the update for the skin toggle will be ready

can't comment further besides what's in the article (some time this year). the team that is working on it has existing commitments.


Originally posted by mlalssid

Hey Sean and Preeti, firstly I wanna thank you for addressing this! I’m excited about the future “skin level toggle system” and the 2nd karambit.

For the next Karambit I think a really cool design would be an Ice themed karambit, could have some cool particle effects when you equip it.

Will the next melee or future melees have color variants? It seems like you guys stopped doing it after the candy cane :/

From a previous comment in the thread:

We're still figuring out the production process for melee variants and we have shipped a couple of them so far. It's definitely something we want to ship more in the future!


Originally posted by pieceoftost

Hi! I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE the upgraded animation! I understand that people like watching things spin, I guess, but the upgraded animation looks so unique and badass to me, I think it's great. Thank you for not getting rid of it despite the vocal group of people who are saying they don't like it. IMO the upgraded version is way less generic.

awwww that's awesome to hear! yep, this is why it's difficult to make changes to live content. some players will like the original whereas other players will want changes.


Originally posted by heyRaxa

given that statistic i think this solution is completely reasonable, especially if level 1 lovers are just a small portion of the population

props to you guys, thanks for the good work :)

wait. Brad??


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti


forever alone


Originally posted by CHYaBit

Yeah lol, so I can just enjoy what I have now

alrite u/Riot_Preeti let's reprioritize the roadmap


Originally posted by heyRaxa

I have to imagine there were also a fair number of people who didn't realize the upgrade animation would have the effect- anecdotally, i upgrade my melees almost instantly since historically, the upgraded version has been significantly better (to me)

with this though, it seems like the mark might've been missed and an exception could be granted for some rule bending (not sure if a radianite refund option for just this knife would be technically feasible though)?

based on your internal stats, is the upgrade rate for this melee drastically lower than other melees?

The upgrade rate for this melee is slightly lower than some other melees but not drastically different.

I think the key part is that we missed the mark for some players, whereas other players care more about the differentiation from the base. We don't have good tech options for processing level refunds so we're prioritizing the feature to choose a prior skin level. You won't see it soon because of existing priorities but you will see it in game this year.


Originally posted by oniram177




Originally posted by DarthGrievous

BUT a lot of people did love it, which we’ve seen on social media as well. So, what do we do when the community is seemingly split?

Just give us the option to devolve our upgrades please? Allow people who liked it to keep it and those who don't to remove it.

Also, why no variants for the karambit? You know that a lot of people would love that and since it's for a new bundle, you don't have to go back and readd variants on old skins.

Yup, we've committed to shipping a skin level toggling feature in the post.

We're still figuring out the production process for melee variants and we have shipped a couple of them so far. It's definitely something we want to ship more in the future!

06 Feb

05 Feb


Originally posted by Riot_R4kiya


very interesting...

12 Jan


Originally posted by thekmanpwnudwn

Earn more XP per match. Does anyone know if this is true / the new values? It wasn't in the patch notes

We actually decreased the XP needed for each level because this Act will be one of our shorter ones (due to the nature of Riot's winter break and when we got back into the office in Jan). The round W/L XP remains unchanged but you'll be effectively progressing faster for this act battlepass.

Apologies for the confusion.

08 Jan


Prime gang gang

23 Dec


Thanks for playing and we couldn’t have had this crazy ride without all of y’all supporting us and giving feedback along the way! Glad our min spec was able to open the door for players like you.

Looking forward to a crazy 2021 as well!!

10 Dec


Originally posted by geniussnsfw

Joe who?

Joe Mama


Originally posted by SourLemon9977

Oh hi! I also would like to say that I love the skins and I really didn’t expect a new gamemode, patch notes, AND amazing skins, but you guys get it done once again! Is there any reason a lot of employees have been around the subreddit recently? I usually don’t see many, though recently there’s been so many comments and stuff.

have to hit our yearly reddit quotas.

jk, it's probably more because we've been heads down to ship the latest major patch so have a little breathing room from now till the holidays.


gimme your account id and i'll fix it


I'm glad that we were able to make a skin that you felt like was worth it. It was fun to watch us take the idea and get it actually into the game!

Passing this along to the Premium Content team :)