06 Aug


Originally posted by bobmore11

No problem, keep in mind these are only the numbers for the first 5 weeks and we should get the rest of the numbers at a later date. It looks like they still scale up but I'm not sure what the cap will be.

The total weekly XP is the same between Act 1 and 2. Act 1 lasted for 9 weeks while Act 2 is 10 weeks so the weekly XP is split up differently.

04 Aug


Originally posted by RiotSWAGGERNAU7

Heads up that the 120 seconds average round duration is actually significantly higher than actual average round duration. Rounds are shorter than that because many rounds don't result in spike plants, you have rounds where teams rush to take a site, or rounds where the spike gets planted fairly early into the round.

I don't have the exact round time in front of me since we use average overall match time and then factor in the average score of each match to account for round W/L XP differences.



Heads up that the 120 seconds average round duration is actually significantly higher than actual average round duration. Rounds are shorter than that because many rounds don't result in spike plants, you have rounds where teams rush to take a site, or rounds where the spike gets planted fairly early into the round.

I don't have the exact round time in front of me since we use average overall match time and then factor in the average score of each match to account for round W/L XP differences.

02 Aug


Originally posted by Mahomeboy_

The f**king riot team that posts here will NEVER come into one of these threads and justify this garbage. They are all exploiting people and should be ashamed of themselves

Bet. We do follow and read these threads to understand what y'all are thinking. In addition to social media, we also field recurring high-level surveys that touch on general player sentiment and feels on everything from pricing to balance to around game systems. When we see things that we want to learn more about, we send out even more targeted surveys surrounding a particular topic or even host player labs to get real discussion going (labs have been harder with quarantine but we're getting better at remote ones).

Radianite Points is one of those topics where we’re digging into more on- I don’t want to give more info beyond here because it seems clear that on Reddit there’s a reinforced opinion, but we aren’t blind to the conversation. It’s just not constructive to jump in without any concrete promises that could get spun out.

26 Jun


Originally posted by klorinator

I'm kinda disappointed that the Ares is missing, it doesn't have a battlepass skin and it didn't have a skin in any of the previous bundles. Going forward you should probably consider overlap as well. The Spectre has been in the Prime collection, Prism collection and has the Kingdom skin in the battlepass. Sheriff, Shorty and Ares do not have battlepass skins or bundle skins yet.

it's definitely something we are looking at


Originally posted by Cyclophosphoamide

I will spend any amount for a butterfly knife, which is sad.

i'm listening

25 Jun


Originally posted by RiotSWAGGERNAU7

The Prism Ares isn't included in the Prism bundle so that the melee that is free in the bundle has a lower bundle price. We removed the Ares specifically because it was the least purchased weapon skin of the theme in the bundle during Closed Beta.

It's not in the Prism bundle but the Prism Ares did enter the rotating skin pool so there's still a way to acquire it!


Originally posted by kingaussi

has anyone noticed that the Prism Ares is not apart of the collection and must be bought separate? is this a bug? I don't remember it being separate in the beta

The Prism Ares isn't included in the Prism bundle so that the melee that is free in the bundle has a lower bundle price. We removed the Ares specifically because it was the least purchased weapon skin of the theme in the bundle during Closed Beta.


Originally posted by Mesaris

Not in the bundle, you can buy it individually. RIot removed the Ares to drop the price to 50$ to make it seem that it is the same price as the beta.

The Prism Ares isn't included in the Prism bundle so that the melee that is free in the bundle has a lower bundle price. We removed the Ares specifically because it was the least purchased weapon skin of the theme in the bundle during Closed Beta.

19 Jun


Originally posted by seemlyminor

So first, why can’t you earn VP in the battle pass? Our goal is that when you buy a battle pass, you buy it for the total value of it rather than buying it as a way of getting enough currency to buy the next one. We want the battle pass to be the highest value product we offer as well as a compelling experience, but by adding VP as an incentive we hurt our ability to fund our long-term vision for the battle pass. We'll be doing more studying on the current battle pass to make sure that you feel like it offers great value and will continue to make sure that the content within it justifies the price.

Now the second question: long-term, what are Radianite points for? Our plan is to have Radianite Points become the evolving currency of VALORANT. So as we develop new features, we hope you'll be able to use it to buy more Gun Buddies, upgrade Player Cards and Sprays in addition to what is currently just weapon skins. We'll make sure to offer ways to spend your Radian...

Read more

Hopefully the second part answers your concerns. We'll make sure to offer ways to spend your Radianite Points on content that is unlocked within the battle pass once we get the fully system in place. That's has always been the plan but making all content types evolve is a big undertaking that we couldn't get in place for launch just yet.

09 Jun

06 Jun

04 Jun


Originally posted by A_Blind_Alien

Hiko are you kidding me???



Originally posted by shrubs311

and if their reply is just "normal" the stickied comment its just an average comment with nothing super important

happens a lot. "oh, a rioter commented, i wonder what insight they will provide"


rioter 2: "oh definitely, i'm a big fan of j cole"

love me some jcole


Originally posted by Vaws



03 Jun


Originally posted by veranthe

I really hope there is a cap to the xp needed for each tier at a certain point. If it constantly goes up by 1000 each level that's just insane. Other games have battle passes that are actually possible to complete without investing 500 hours a week to do. People have lives outside the game, why do they expect us to play so much nonstop after we already paid for it?
Same issue goes with League of Legends, the passes are just insane amounts of grind.

Hijacking the top comment for visibility. TLDR: The battlepass will take ~100 hours to complete.

Weekly XP's also scale up in every week to smooth out the experience curves. Just to give you an idea, the first set of weeklies offer 28,350 total XP and the last set of weeklies offer 60,750 total XP. This will help make sure that you're still able to progress through levels at a healthy clip towards the tail end of a battle pass (rather than just stalling out at the later levels).

01 Jun


Originally posted by rubydestroyer

May we have an F in the chat for the wallets lost to riot today


30 May


u/monstrousyi is leaking from r/leagueoflegends and I love it. welcome friend

25 May


lol Ryze was in this game.. nice shooting too!


Originally posted by thekmanpwnudwn

You don't have to spend them to get the bonus
