

19 Jul

17 Jul


omg that is so cute, I love it! <3

19 Apr


Not WallHacks.
Omen is standing in front of a wall decal in the map that renders above VFX (For some reason, thanks Unreal).

If you go on Split and look where Omen is standing, you'll see some sort of wall panel that has this exact look.
Creds: VFX Artist here, I've been fighting the maps team's decals for years lmao, it isn't a new issue.

07 Mar


Originally posted by CaptainTurtle3218

Wish I could help but I didn't work on Oni2 lol.
I moved from PremiumContent to the Agents Team a while back, so sadly I don't have any insight on the production of Oni2.
Maybe u/Riot_Preeti could help? :eyes: sorry for tagging you unprompted haha

03 Feb


loving it! Nice work <3

19 Nov


absolutely gorgeous <3

19 Sep


Incredible work! And I have to say, Garden/Tree is just *chef kiss*

18 Apr


I wish I could make art this evocative, truly a masterpiece, humanity has peaked.

28 Jan


Looks incredible <3

21 Jan


Honestly, this looks incredible, 12\10 *chef kiss*

13 Jan


Originally posted by RiotBrentmeister

Brilliant! Sanic is the unofficial mascot for our performance team (because we make things go fast). I love it and have already slack emoji-fied it to live eternally. I'd love to give you a fistbump buddy if you don't mind DMing me your RiotID.

Omg I'll be using the Sanic-Neon emote all the time haha Thank you for blessing us with the masterpiece

11 Dec


Originally posted by gamblegamb

Will we see karambit style battle pass knives in the future?

Probably yeah! Whenever new melee archetypes are created, it simply allows us more opportunity to make skins of the sort. I wouldn't be surprise if one comes up in the future


Originally posted by ClipClank

Spectrum Fangirl

  1. Why don't we have custom kill banners by variant? I would love Spectrum to change according to the color of the changing metal or a purple magepunk banner.

  2. Is the color of Spectrum mapped or how is it always the same in specific locations? Why are there parts where it takes longer to change?

  3. Spectrum Vandal, Spectre, Judge and Frenzy when?

VFX Artist that briefly touched on Spectrum here!
The color variation is actually driven by the sum of your character's X, Y and Z position in the map. It moves faster if you walk in X+ and Y+, and the math can cancel itself out if you walk in X+ and Y-!


Originally posted by XkrulesGR

Best vandal for headshots?

Prime, duh


Originally posted by recklessnes

What (in your opinion) would you say is the worst skin in the game? Either an idea that you feel wasn't fleshed out enough, or just a theme that doesn't resonate with you as well, etc?

Not the worst, but I always saw an insane amount of potential in the Spline skinline that we could have tapped into.


Originally posted by CorrectsJr

Do yall get free skins

My wallet would sure love that


Originally posted by Ziploccbag

No hate on the guardian but why are there so many skins for the guardian? I feel like every bundle theres a guardian skin in the set

We do it to annoy those who disrespect the Guardian Supremacy


Originally posted by Just_Mardo

What has been your own personal favorite thing you have made for the game that has released?

Arcane Sheriff for sure. Ruination is close to my heart, but let's be honest <3


Originally posted by pirateofthearabian

You guys are trolling aren't you



Originally posted by CODPlayer425

Prime or Reaver Vandal? (Best skins in the game imo lol)

It's like asking who is our favorite child, how can you do that!