

11 Dec


Originally posted by Sour-diesel-45

Y’all are cool



Originally posted by Gutterworks101

How dare you u/Riot_PJacques! If it was up to me every gun would be Radianite themed!

It's your job to concept and explore it, MR.CONCEPT ARTIST


Originally posted by Boom_Edshot

Do you guys purchase the skins too or you just get them added to your accounts?

All I'll say is that I've sunk 400$+ in my skin collection


Originally posted by r0zmerry_11

Food skinline pls rito :3
croissant gunbuddy pls

I swear to god, we need a banana melee, or a melee that is just a sausage that has the glizzy ninja animation as inspect.


Originally posted by xXSirPenguXx

What are your favorite knife skins that you have designed?



Originally posted by pirateofthearabian

The Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster bundle. It is beautiful, and a dozen ideas pop up in my head when I think of a finisher for it; like a flying saucer abducting the last player killed for example. Why did you guys decide not to have a finisher on that skin bundle? Don't tell me you guys didn't get any good ideas.

If we could push every skin all the way to a Dragon level, we would, trust me!
I'd assume that it is mostly because we want to make skins for a wide range of price so people with different need can still get something they like, so we're keeping our scopes in check.
Also Preeti is really good at crushing our dreams, but don't tell her I said that <3


Originally posted by krejcii

What are limits? Are you held back in any way of your personal art creations? Or are you free to kinda just create whatever you think would work?

On a VFX side, the main limit that we have is gameplay integrity, making sure we're not making the skin pay-to-lose basically.
Also, we have a very low minimum spec bar for our art, so it is very important to make everything as efficient as possible, but I see it more as a challenge and a way to find crafty work arounds, like little brain puzzles!


Originally posted by unknowninbr

If you could add new variations for an already-released skinline, how would this variarion be and which skinline?

I'd love to see it! We usually dont go back on released skinlines so we focus on new things, while also making sure we dont break anything though.
I feel like we keep pushing the bar up higher and higher with every skinline, and we're reaching a point where our older bundles don't feel as complete as the new ones. To me it just shows how much we've developed as a team <3


Originally posted by namdet

Would you guys ever do a bundle with the following guns:





Would love to see a "spray" gun bundle with these because I think it'd be hilarious

But also, is there a limit to creativeness when it comes to melees? I would love to see more dual knives in the future, or maybe a knuckle-esque type melee in the future

I say that if we ever do a bundle with all of these guns, it HAS to be called the "brrrrrr bundle".

For melee, I think in general the main thing that we keep in mind is always gameplay integrity. We dont want your 3P model to reveal your position more than the default knife. But usually, outside of this, we're ready to go wild since people spam their knife on pre-round and in moments where framerate isn't as important.


Originally posted by SimplyHaunted

What was the hardest skin or skin effect to create? Do you have a favorite agent contract gun?

I absolutely loved the Nunca Olvidados collection, it was so obvious how much care and love was put into it. Gracias por todo <3

For me, the hardest skin to work on was Origin. Both because it was a very niche style to hit, and also because CASCADE IS SH** AT MAKING PERFECT LOOPING GEOMETRIC VFX


Originally posted by lucazdj

any lore related skin coming? like ktac

I've been bugging u/Gutterworks101 about it for a while!! I'd die to see a gun skin based on using the power of raw radianite crystals.


Originally posted by Key-Heart517

Champions bundle was awesome and I love using it. Can you guys tell us why you guys chose karambit as a melee? Like why not butterfly, claw or axe. Was there any specific reason for it?

I don't remember if there was a specific reason why we chose the karambit. I know that when the choice was made, there were already 2 butterfly knives in the making, and we wanted to have something new, that players would be hyped about.

10 Dec


Originally posted by SouljaIsSpy03

Which Guardian skin is your favorite? Mine's gotta be teal Prime, but the yellow RGX is a close second!

For me it's Ruination all the way, though I'll admit I'm biased lol


Originally posted by jenbutkostov

no questions, just wanna say i love you guys and the work you do. thank you so much :)



Originally posted by Anashi_Masma

Whats the most challenging part about working on a new skin collection?

Personally, the most challenging yet rewarding part of the process is working in tandem with the other artists on the skinline. It requires a lot of communication between the concept artist, modeler , animator and me to make sure that my VFX feels whole with all the different parts <3


Originally posted by SouljaIsSpy03

Will we be seeing another "End of Year" blog post from your lovely little team just like last year?

Signed,Your biggest Guardian fan

I don't know the answer, I'm just here to pay respect to a fellow Guardian gamer <3

24 Nov


Sick work! Really good improvement on your first pass.

And yeah, you're right when you said that we don't care about blocking the crosshair when we inspect. We do everything we can to keep everything as clean as possible to not impact gameplay integrity, but inspecting is one of the few moments when we can actually go a bit crazier if we want to.

Love your stuff, keep at it, looks sick, and screw anyone who sh*t talked your work, keep having fun!

10 Nov


Originally posted by Clownsonged

Sorry for the late reply but does that mean it very quickly changes it pattern when omen ulting and yoru e'ing? :)

Sorry for the even later response!
You would be right yeah. The rotation of the ball is defined by your location in x and y in the world. If you could teleport with the gun equipped, you would see the pattern snap into a different position.

07 Nov


Originally posted by Shronklet

oh yeah thats actually soo cool so you basically fake an orb. Thank you for the answer I'm still a junior in the industry, helps a lot!!!

That's only for the movement! There is actually something in the shader to fake paralax to give more depth and a multi layer effect.

All props for the shader goes to Chris Stone! I'm just a VFX Artist lol