

03 Jun


Originally posted by oniram177

We hear you ;)

We hear you.


Originally posted by JeffyP0PcorN

Do you know if the region locks are always going to be this harsh? I’m going back to UK to study at the end of the summer and would definitely prefer not to lose all the stuff I worked for.

I’m not sure since I don’t work on that area. I recommend asking player support that too.


Originally posted by MrsPrater

Can everyone see the finisher animation? That's gonna be the decider in if I buy. And can folks spectating you hear the cool sounds and see the animations? :o

Yes everyone who’s looking at the finisher can see it! And yes same for animation and sounds if they’re spectating you. :)


Originally posted by JeffyP0PcorN

Thank you. Just double checking, switching region removes my close beta gun buddy right?

Not sure. :( Player support would know!


Originally posted by JeffyP0PcorN

I have, but I also switched region. I know region locks are a thing, so I can’t complain about my gun buddies, but I have submitted a ticket about points. I just think it’s kind of stupid to region lock valorant points that I paid for

It might be an accident so I’m glad you submitted a ticket. Hopefully they can fix it for you!


Originally posted by JeffyP0PcorN

Same here. Maybe a glitch

If this is VP you paid for you’re missing, I suggest submitting a ticket!


Was this VP he paid for? I recommend he send in a ticket to player support.


The team is working on a fix. If you still are missing it in a few days, can you submit a ticket to player support?

02 Jun


Originally posted by Arkeaus

Wow a real response from a riot employee! Thanks! Sorry I didn't see where you originally posted that, could have saved you the trouble. :)

Oh not at all. Happy to help! <3


Originally posted by TheManInAquamarine

Oh one more idea!! Vaporwave/80s skin set would be so cool. I'm a huge fan of the blue color in the Prime skins(which is why I asked about chroma prime axe), it looks super 80s and I love the laser sounds, it's fantastic. The sight animation kinda gives me a vaporwave vibe. Whoever designed that and the blue skin is awesome and should totally try making a vaporwave/80s skin set

Haha thank you! I'll tell them you like the blue variant! ;)


Originally posted by TheManInAquamarine

Thanks, I sent a ticket in. Thank you for replying to everyone's comments, it's refreshing to see a dev being so engaged in the community. Looking forward to the Prism set returning, and if I may drop a suggestion if the prism set gets reworked: maybe make the prism knife a big bowie knife instead of a reskin of the default knife, it would be super cool then! :D

have a good day :)

Thank you! :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm not sure how it works, but you can try to send a ticket to player support and ask! Doesn't hurt to ask!


Originally posted by Arkeaus

I miss my avalanche Phantom and gold/red luxe variants on my Spectre, though. Are they coming back?

Reposting from elsewhere:

Some of the skins from Closed Beta will come back, but others won't. Whatever does come back will get an update, even if it's slight.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Reposting from elsewhere:

Some of the skins from Closed Beta will come back, but others won't. Whatever does come back will get an update, even if it's slight.


Originally posted by PanduhSenpai

Hey u/Riot_Preeti nice to see you around again! Also when can I expect the avalanche skins to come back lmao I miss my icy phantom! The prime skins are amazing btw!

Oh hi!!! I wish I could say if they're returning or not and, if so, when. ;)

Also super glad you love the Prime skins! <3


Originally posted by i_want_fuck_dokkaebi

Any info on reaver bundle? One of my favorites from beta.

Reposting from elsewhere:

I can't say. ;) Some of the skins from Closed Beta will come back, but others won't. Whatever does come back will get an update, even if it's slight.


Originally posted by optimus_fuck

Even with that link, it tells me to login after i pick my subject, and then this shows up

That's really odd. Do you mind sending me a DM later today? The Player Support team is super slammed (lots of player questions on the first day), so they can't look at things that aren't tickets right now.


Originally posted by TheManInAquamarine

Hey friend, can you please answer my question? Will there be color variants for the Prime Axe melee? I would love to color my axe teal/aquamarine like the color scheme on the rest of the skins. Please!!

Unfortunately we aren't doing chroma variants on the Prime Axe. Maybe in the future, but no plans right now. It's nice to hear you like it, though. If we hear this from a lot of players, we'd consider it! :)


Originally posted by Sita093016

I had to look through again to think about it but then I remembered. It has to be Dot Exe Ghost. It looks phenomenal! Not to say they all don't, but that Ghost is just so thematically gorgeous!

Mind if I ask if there are some issues with Unlocks at the moment? I just hit Tier 10 on the Battlepass and can equip the Couture Bulldog, but I still can't equip the Kingdom Spectre at Tier 5. Relogging hasn't helped. Just want to know if I'm the only one or not, I'm not in a hurry for the rewards haha.

Thanks for the wonderful game and keep up the excellent work! :D

You're not the only one! The team has seen a few reports of this issue and they're working on a fix now. They're getting a message out soon! Thanks for not getting mad--mistakes happen and we're absolutely want to fix it!

I love that you like the Dot Exe Ghost! I'm partial to the Vandal in that set, but only because I will earn the Omen Ghost eventually so that'll be my go-to Ghost skin. ;)


What u/aneia said! Thank you so much for saying something so nice! <3 I'm so glad you like the battlepass content. What's your most-wanted item in the current pass?