

26 Jun


Do you have anisotropic filtering set to 1x?


Originally posted by GachaEmperor

The game IS pay to win. 71$ bait. Just throw it out and wait around the corner for some unsuspecting schmuck



Try 1x for anisotropic filtering. It could also be your NVIDIA settings overriding your settings. For the latter, I’ll check with someone on my team. First try the 1x and let me know! :)

25 Jun


Originally posted by Brini1601

Only skin bundle that looks hell dope, don't really like all other skins

I’m happy to hear you like it! We’re trying to make a broad array of appealing content, but that doesn’t mean everyone is going to like everything all the time. It makes me happy when I see people say “I like X skin more than the others” because it means we’re doing something right when trying to make sure there’s at least something out there for each person. We’re starting out slow, but we’ll get more stuff out there in time. :)


Originally posted by merksuccs

UPDATE: I bought it :)), played my first competitive placement match with the squad and it looks so good. Thanks for all the opinions I read all the comments and I appreciate you all taking the time to talk about a really small matter :) have a good day/night

I’m glad you like it. :)

23 Jun


Originally posted by -Tasdel-

Thank you!! I was thinking I might!! I might make an updated version that holds the LED better !

You won’t ever lose your keys in the dark. :)


This is awesome! You going to make it into a keychain?

16 Jun


Originally posted by RobThatBin

I mean they'll probably fix it with the next update or at least the one after that. I don't exactly know what the bug entails but when it's fixed you will be able to use it again till the end of time. The Ghost skin still being in your inventory and the radiantite you might've spent on it still being spend on it I don't think this warrants a compensation as you still own the item & the upgrades.

We’re targeting next patch for the fix. The Ghost had a bug where it played unsilenced audio in third person for levels 2-7, so it was pay-to-lose. That goes against our rules for skins and we didn’t want anyone to pay for a suboptimal gameplay experience. So we turned off the levels, even if it meant missing out on cool effects and color variants. :(


Originally posted by Zeradith_TV

Hotfix would’ve been nice!

Hi! We decided not to hot fix in this case because we would have had to cause downtime for the game to do it (the downtime is a temporary the future we shouldn’t need to cause downtime for a hotfix like this, I’m told). We didn’t want to interrupt you guys from being able to play the game (doesn’t seem fair to all of you!) whenever you want, so we decided to delay the fix to the next patch. Sorry about that. I wanted to buy the Ghost purple variant too. :(

10 Jun


Originally posted by BloodyThumbtack

As someone obsessed with the game's lore, I understand that some old lore has been retconned and some of those player cards may have been related to that, but that tree card really was special, as well as the stained glass card.

I loosely theorized that the tree was a sequoia or redwood that came too close to Radianite and grew to an astounding size. The Stained Glass card seemed like a reference to First Light, or maybe to a particular girl with some exceptional radiant powers.

The Haven Formation one was also spectacular, paired with the mystery of the device within. The Radianite explosion card stirred discussion regarding what kind of refining Kingdom is doing to the Radianite to produce the Spike "explosion" versus the explosion depicted in the player card.

I miss them, regardless of their involvement in the current lore; but if I had to pick one, the nameless Tree Card is definitely the most missed.

Edit: Thanks for your contribution to the gam...

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Thanks for this thoughtful writeup. :) I'm not an artist (just a producer), but I will tell the wonderful environment artists. I miss them so much now that I don't sit near them anymore due to quarantine. :'(


Originally posted by Zaneysed

Have you ever looked at a tree? A life sustaining plant that gives into the world it's gift freely asking only for a place to grow. Let us celebrate this gift that nature has given to us. As we push forward into new technology and resources we should always look back at the basic ones we need to even exist. Fresh clean air is a thing to be protected and shouldn't we honor those you create it?

To quote the good Dr. Seuss and his book The Lorax

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

Also that book is about trees and I think it would be dope if the tree card came back.

Damn. That's deep.


Originally posted by plknifer


Come on! The chicken spray crew was more specific than that.


Originally posted by FluffyTacos234

Please bring back tree player card, amazing artwork!

You're like the 10th person on reddit to ask me for that. ;) What did you love about the tree card, out of curiosity? Can you band together with all the others who loved the tree card and tell me why you guys miss the tree card more than the other cards we removed?


Originally posted by runningaarons

f**k you rito take my money

The skin design so far is awesome. Would love to see evolving skins like what Apex has. I think your gun evolving throughout every match /round would be sick.

So happy Riot is doing such a good job with this game imo

lolol these kind of comments are great, ty! <3


Originally posted by Im-Snaik

Will we get the reaver skins again? I really liked them

awww I love seeing all these comments about Reaver! I feel like during closed beta, I saw so many comments about people not liking Reaver. Now that it's gone, all you folks who loved Reaver are coming back to say how much you loved it and want it back!


Originally posted by RiotSWAGGERNAU7

soon tm

u/RiotSwaggernau7 is here waiting for an Op skin


Originally posted by Wee_Timmy

You're welcome!



Originally posted by Octuru

Give us more operator skins!!!

You're not the only one to ask for that! ;)


Originally posted by KYKUR88

Hey, can u tell us if u are taking back Ronin and Imperium skins at any time soon?

I want ronin sheriff and OP and the imperium knife with me :(

Hi! The skins in closed beta were all temporary. If any of them come back (like Luxe and Avalanche did), it will be with some updates, even if slight.


Originally posted by xXPalmoXx

Was the little world tree banner from the beta removed completely or will there be a way to obtain it in the future? I loved that banner so much

It's gone, at least in the form you saw. Long live the tree!