

12 Mar


Originally posted by Person454

Similar question, for EK, does it round up or down for the number of knives it leaves?

In general, effects will round down.


Originally posted by SchiferlED

If you have 2 spellslinger setups in different pieces of gear, do they share a cooldown, or can they both trigger at the same time?

The only cooldown that matters for triggering is the individual skill's cooldown, so the same skill in separate spellslinger setups would share a cooldown, so that's a bad idea.


Originally posted by MtNak

Rory, we don't see Unleash Support and Awakened Unleash Support gems?

Also, why the nerf to Animated Weapon's movement speed per quality? Thought you wanted to buff them.

Looks like Unleash was missed on this list, but it has no changes other than the values specified in the patch notes.

Animated Weapon had more move speed moved to its base stats, so getting high quality isn't as important as it was before, and move speed from other sources has much more effect.


Originally posted by H4xolotl

So the enemy is hit 11 times?

By Blade Blast, yeah. Blade Vortex can still keep ticking damage on the targets as well, as blades are detonated.


Originally posted by Quote_a

Thank you! Followup: is the +6 bonus range affected by AoE modifiers, or is it a flat +6 to the radius of the explosion after AoE modifiers?

The bonus range is affected by area modifiers, it seems!


Originally posted by knetmos

Follow up question, bladefall has 5 volleys, will a triggered bladefall leave 2 or 3 blades? (50% less blades on 5 base)

I've investigated... and found out that Bladefall actually still has 6 volleys... it's just being described incorrectly. We're going to update the gem now.


Originally posted by eckamon

Does Kinetic Bolt work with Iron Will- either from the support gem or the repentance gloves, both/neither? Thanks <3

Iron Will won't support it, but Repentance seems to work. This won't stack with Iron Grip, but Iron Will does let it expand to all damage, not just physical damage.


Originally posted by thepush

So Bladefall/EK totems leave blades I can detonate with Blade Blast? And furthermore: What about Blade Blast + Unleash? Does it start detonating again? Like... if I cast it on a totem that's still generating blades (or four totems)?

Blade Blast with Unleash can start a new detonation sequence, but not on a Blade Vortex already being detonated. It's only really useful if you're reaching the limit on the number of blades Blade Blast can detonate total, not on Blade Vortexes.


Originally posted by H4xolotl

When it detonates the blades in your Blade Vortex, does each blade detonated have an individual explosion that grows bigger or is it part of one big explosion?

Each blade vortex detonated blade has an explosion, so they get bigger as each one detonates in sequence.


Originally posted by MostlyEffort

Does that apply to Bladefall/EK as well? Meaning, can I Blade Blast or Animate Weapon blades left in the ground by spectres that have cast either of those skills? I'm thinking specifically of the Undying Ravagers found in Act 8's Sarn Ramparts.

No existing spectres leave blades with EK or Bladefall, but they may in future.


Originally posted by turtlebreathy

will the EK description include blade placement, specifically when interacting with pierce/chain/fork? if not, can some clarification be provided about how this will work?

The blades are placed when they stop, so piercing/chaining projectiles will only place a blade when they finally land, while forking projectiles could potentially place two blades (though not every projectile thrown leaves a blade).


Originally posted by AkumaNoDorei

Does using 2 separate Spellslinger link groups just give you 2 activation buttons with different reservation values and doesn't change proc behaviour?

That's right, separate spellslingers are separate buttons to press so in that situation you can control their activation separately.


Originally posted by Quote_a

What's the radius on Blade Blast? I'd like to know so I can check for AoE cutoffs on my starter build. Would also be good info to know in the future in case someone wants to try to calculate total DPS from overlaps or some such thing.

The base radius is 18 units, with a bonus +6 to range for finding blades to detonate around that explosion.


Originally posted by TimeTroll

What happens if I have ancestral bond with Stormbind can I manually detonate my runes and still deal damage as they were placed by the totem? This is the only part im confused on.

The Stormbind is the skill doing damage, so as long as your totems cast it, Ancestral Bond won't prevent the skill doing damage.


Originally posted by SethKeltoi

Does Rune Blast specifically require mana to charge runes or will spending Energy Shield with Eldritch Battery charge the runes as well? Or life, in the case of Blood Magic.

Rune Blast specifically requires mana, Blood Magic will do nothing, I believe Eldritch Battery is the same.


Originally posted by cybob101

with animate weapon, in the patch notes

Minions now deal 10% more damage at gem level 1, up to 48% more at gem level 20. Note that there was previously similar (but numerically higher) bonus listed on the skill gem that, as it turns out, did nothing.

does this mean, it no longer has the 252% dmg effectiveness? and is just 100% dmg effect + the more dmg multiplier on the gem? becausee if thats the case, the numbers for animate weapon are strictly worse than skeles in every single way and are harder to keep up...

also the wording makes it seem like it overwrites the consumed weapons flat damage with physical based off of the skill level. Is this the case? or is it added to the consumed weapon?

why is there a difference between consuming a weapon and consuming a lingering blade? it seems like it is specifically a nerf to where a player would want the most dps? or is it that lingering blades gain that as additional in addition to the minions deal x d...

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it no longer has the 252% dmg effectiveness?

It never actually used this value, so when balancing it this really threw off our original values. It now has a value that is actually used!

It adds damage to the weapon damage, doesn't replace it. The reason a lingering blade gets extra damage is because by default, it only has the damage stats of a Glass Shank, so needs that extra damage to keep up.


Originally posted by knetmos

How many blades does bladefall/EK generate per cast? Thats a very important information for anyone considering playing blade blast

I'll get those gems added, they now have some additional info on them that modify the number of blades.


Originally posted by wiljc3

Though I think I know the answer, one last thing I'm not 100% clear on.. Is the reservation per Spellslinger gem or per linked spell?

IE, if I 6 linked Spellslinger, Ethereal Knives, Bladefall, and 3 supports, I assume it would function like Blasphemy where I'd have an EK aura and a Bladefall aura?

The part that's throwing me off is that the text on the gem uses plurals throughout - "Reserve mana based on the supported spells", "trigger the supported spells", etc.

Activating Spellslinger gives you reservation equal to the combined reservation of each spell it is linked to. It acts as one button/buff activating reservation/triggering on multiple spells.


Originally posted by FHStats

Do multiple totems contribute to the same grid of runes?

They do, each storing their own damage in the individual runes they placed. It'd be a fast way to deploy a large rune field.


Originally posted by Parashroom

Do I have to aim at each individual rune? Or can I just aim at the middle and the charges will spread?

The charges spread out to adjacent runes, so you can aim in the general direction without having to focus on individual runes unless you want to be very precise with your upgrading.