

02 Feb

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Week 113.

After the bee-pocalypse of last week, we imagine some of you will be happy to hear that this week brings some adjustments and balances to our fuzzy new friends.

We’ve also got two new rugs for you, in Buffalo and Woven variants, and some QoL improvements, including the ability to now share couches with your pals.

Jump in, have a read, and then enjoy some slightly less terrifying cave adventures.

Notable Improvements:
  • Fixed several bugs with the Stockpile mission type where missions would get stuck or auto complete when not intended
  • Added the ability for Prospectors to sit with their friends on the same seat / couch
  • Added the Suit Slot UI to most inventories and processors so players can access anything slotted in the food / water / oxygen slots when interacting with devices
  • Curtains and windows can now both be placed on window frames and can no longer in...
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26 Jan

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to week 112.

This week is a larger update, as we bring you the brand new Apicultural system where you can become a beekeeper in Icarus.

Fit with Wild Bees, Beehives, a bespoke beekeeping system and even Bee breeding, you can start producing honey, beeswax and multiple new recipes, right away.

Originally posted by author: We are committed to weekly updates in Icarus and to always be providing new content / fixes / optimizations from week to week. These updates can vary in size, as things like team availability and task size can range from ones that take half a day, to several weeks or even months. One thing we will try to do is be conscious of this and after a period such as the New Year Holiday where we kept things light and safe we’ll give you something we’ve been working on for a while.

Rocketwerkz isn’t as big as some other studios but are proud of our commitment to our games and w...
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19 Jan

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 111 is here and we’ve added the Smoker along with nine new recipes for you to enjoy.

From Melon Smoked Giant Steak to Tea Smoked Freshwater Fillet, there’s a range of new tasty recipes to try out with unique buffs, perks and benefits.

We’ve also got an update for you on our ongoing work on the batteries and networks project, along with next week’s buzzy update.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Backpacks are no longer automatically re-equipped whenever a piece of player equipment is added/removed/damaged - this fixes the bug where the medic backpack's modifiers would be re-applied every time the player took damage
  • Fixed a bug where the crop growth rate was being added instead of multiplied, resulting in a growth rate of roughly double what was intended
  • The mission communicator no longer plays noise when it reloads back in (no more weird bzzt noise when roaming around the ma...
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12 Jan

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 110’s update adds our newest and most powerful shield, the Titanium Tower Shield.

With 140 degrees of area coverage and 85% damage resistance, this is one of our strongest defensive item to date but will require a high cost of resources to craft.

Jump in and have a read.

This week: Titanium Tower Shield
This week's update introduces our newest powerful shield, the Titanium Tower Shield.

This shield has a 140-degree block radius, with 85% damage blocking, making it a powerful asset.

This is craftable on the foundry and requires an extensive list of materials, including Titanium Plate, Epoxy, Cured Leather and Steel Screws.

When attached to your back, the shield provides a strong defense against damage from behind, giving it multi-purpose use, even when not equipped.

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04 Jan

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 109’s update introduces a newly discovered creature to the Volcanic Biome of Prometheus, the Ignari.

Closely related to the Viscid of the Swamp biome, the Ignari will be found among the flowing lava and rocky outcrops, so keep your eyes peeled.

As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, we've been doing a few content-only updates over the holiday period so everyone could have a bit of a break, but also so we could keep them separated from the technically complex work finalizing batteries and power networks. More info to come on those in the next few weeks.

Finally, we’ve got an update on the progress of the Prometheus Map Expansion for you, to start 2024.

This week: Ignari
The Ignari has been discovered in the Volcanic Regions of Prometheus.

Exclusive to this Biome, the Ignari is closely related to the Viscid, fo... Read more

29 Dec

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 108’s update is here, and we’ve added our first new Orbital Workshop armor in a while, the Tachyon Armor.

This is designed for the survivalist, with some unique buffs that you won’t find in any other sets.

We’ve also got an update on the progress of Turrets for you to catch up on.

Finally - Happy New Years from the team here at Rocketwerkz! We can’t wait to do 2024 with you.

This week: Tachyon Workshop Armor
We have added a new armor to the Orbital Workshop.

The Tachyon Armor is the first new armor we’ve added in a while, with perks and buffs designed for survival.

This included buffs to fall damage resistance and resistance to exposure, so your missteps off cliffs and poor timing out in the storms are less impactful.

These are some unique buffs we haven’t experimented with before, so should... Read more

22 Dec

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 107’s update is here and we’ve added two new rugs, the Jaguar and the Snow Leopard.

These will require their creature’s vestiges along with other materials, so get to hunting and crafting now.

We’re still hard at work on batteries and networks, and due to the complexity of these upcoming changes we’re limiting the next few updates to easily isolated pieces of content like decorations, armour sets and maybe even a new creature. Keep an eye on these patch notes to find out when batteries are available for beta testing on the experimental branch.

And - Merry Christmas from the team here at RocketWerkz!

This week: Jaguar, Snow Leopard Rugs
This week, we’ve added two new rugs to the existing set. These are the Jaguar and Snow Leopard, two of the apex predators of Icarus that you’ll encounter in the Forest and Arctic Biomes res... Read more

14 Dec

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 106 is here, and with it comes the Biomore Backpack, our second role-specific backpack, this one being for the medic.

This comes with a bunch of unique team-buff auras and other perks, making it perfect for the support role in your group.

We’ve also got an update on Bees for you to sink your teeth into.

Jump in and have a read.

This week: Biomore Backpack
This week, we’re adding a new backpack, for the medic of your crew.

The Biomore Backpack is purchasable in the workshop. It provides six inventory slots, along with 3 active auras where the prospector and nearby allies having increased physical resistance, quicker healing from bacterial, parasitic and poisons, and additional health regeneration. It also has some buffs for the wearer, reducing the stamina impact from using tools, and providing more health to do... Read more

07 Dec

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 105 is here, and with it, the start of our third year of Icarus.

This week we’re adding three new Rustic Sign variations in both ground and floor variations, with a more ‘raw’ design than the standard wood sign.

We’ve also got a ton of information on upcoming updates and features for all the new players who have joined us from our recent Free Weekend.

These are all scheduled for next year, as our team will be focusing on smaller updates over the Christmas break while spending time with their families. However, you can still expect some big features like our Batteries and Electrical Network soon, and our weekly updates will continue just like they have for the last two years.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Added Icons behind the armor slots, light slot and bulk slots
  • Fixed an issue with the hotbar hotkeys not showing correct keys when rebound
  • Fixed fur issues on...
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30 Nov

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Icarus’s first-ever Free Weekend is here!

This has been in the works for some time, and we are excited to finally do one of these and give players who have been on the fence about Icarus the chance to try it out and see all the work that has gone into it over the last two years.

For those unfamiliar with what a Free Weekend is, this is a four-day period over the weekend when anyone can download Icarus and play without having to have purchased the game.

If you’ve got friends you’ve been trying to convince to get the game, this is a great time to get them to come join you with no strings attached.

All content in the Icarus base game will be playable, including Open World and Operations on Olympus. We’ve also put the game itself and a bunch of the DLC on discount so if you enjoy it, you can score a good deal to keep playing long after the Free Weekend finishes.

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    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Our Week 104 update is here. This week we’re adding Seed Pouches, a Tier 1 item that will store your seeds gathered while out exploring.

We’ve also got an update on Batteries and next week's update. You’ll also have probably noticed this update is a day early, which is intentional and will make sense tomorrow, so keep an eye out for some news.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Permit sprint cancels reload on magazine and round fed weapons, if enabled in the control settings
  • In the Kill List operation, creatures now also spawn outside of mission area
  • Added the building tier to building piece tooltips
  • Added a 'Z' collision offset so you can more freely place rugs on top of floors with beams beneath them

This week: Seed Pouches
This week ... Read more

24 Nov

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 103’s update brings two new rugs to Icarus, which require pelts and vestiges from two of the most fearsome foes - the Polar Bear and the Brown Bear.

These are craftable at Tier 3 on the Advanced Textile Bench, so get to gathering those materials and crafting.

In addition to cosmetic updates like these Rugs, we’re always working on new features and performance improvements and we have an update on big improvements coming to animals and taming, and batteries.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements
  • Updated the Brutalist Wardrobe & Cabinet and Industrial Wardrobe & Cabinet to have 25 inventory slots as originally intended (rather than 10)
  • Updated recipes for cooking, Masonry Bench and Armor Bench to allow access to T2 recipes in both T3 and T4
  • Added recipe for Gold Partition for Art Deco set which was accidentally hidden
  • Fixed travel quest step detection for mounted p...
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17 Nov

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 102 is here and features new Deep Ore Veins of Titanium, Platinum, Salt, Clay, Scoria and Obsidian for you to drill.

We’ve also enabled Exotic voxels in Open World caves which will replenish using the Meteor Shower event we debuted last week.

This week we’ve also released two new architectural DLC, an Industrial Furniture Set with 36 pieces and an Art Deco Furniture Set with 26 pieces for you to purchase and adorn your base with. These support our ongoing development of Icarus and are some of the most detailed and unique pieces we’ve released to date.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements
  • Exotic voxels will now spawn in Open World caves, these will replenish with Meteor Shower events
  • You can now place deployables on top of rugs which was previously blocked
  • Vapor Condenser rewards have been updated to include Enzymes in addition to Exotics when in its ‘active state’ which as of l...
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10 Nov

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hypatia Part II is here.

You can now play 21 Operations that have been transitioned over from Missions in your Olympus Open Worlds. These Operations have been hand-selected with a range of challenges to choose from.

We’ve also added Exotic respawning in Open World, with the new Meteor Shower event occurring every 3 hours and spawning new nodes, veins, voxels and exotic plants.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements
  • Open World Selection Screen now shows Operations for Olympus and exotics for all 3 maps
  • Fixing Desert Mammoth Trophy not being the Desert Mammoth Trophy when placed
  • Fixed Tusker Trophy deploying as Komodo Trophy
  • Fixed Viscid only granting Wolf kill experience by accident
  • Encroachment: Extermination - Fixed clients seeing incorrect kill requirements for The Great River, showing the objective as complete when it wasn’t
  • Meridian: ...
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02 Nov

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to week 100, a century of Icarus weekly updates! This week brings the XENON backpack, a new hunting backpack with unique buffs and perks such as skinning speed boosts and reductions to knife wear.

We’re also one week away from Hypatia Part II, which will add Operations and Exotic Spawns in Olympus Open World games.

Notable Improvements
  • Chamios & Tusker Vestiges now drop as intended, and the Wooly Zebra trophy now looks like a Wooly Zebra
  • The Decorations Bench received a visual upgrade to reflect that it will be used for decorations other than just the basic rustic set
  • Fixed an issue where respawns could be limited while doing Operations in open world, this was only supposed to be active during Missions
  • Removed the Biolab button in the Orbital Workshop menu. It wasn’t supposed to be there yet
  • Added UI on Drills and Extractors to display ore per minute
  • Fixed...
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26 Oct

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week Ninety Nine’s update is here, and we’re focusing on the Bestiary this week, rebalancing how you earn points and how many points each unlock takes to achieve.

Our focus has been to reduce the grind for this feature and make it more enjoyable for players to complete.

We’ve also added new animal trophies, with all creatures now having their own craftable version. Alongside this, we’ve made ‘Vestiges’ a harvestable item from any kill.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements
  • Buildings will now burn and melt when placed in lava (Thatch & Wood destroy right away, stone, concrete, glass, aluminum, and brick will slowly burn and be destroyed, Scoria Brick & Scoria will be unaffected)
  • Add stats display to blueprint unlock tooltips for the building pieces
  • Added minimum distance culling to fur shader, brown bear armor fur strands should no longer obstruct vision when using a hunting rifle
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19 Oct

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week Ninety Eight brings our newest and most powerful mount to Icarus, the Tusker.

Found exclusively in the arctic regions of Styx for the time being, the Tusker has the highest health, regeneration, and carry capacity stats of any of our mounts so far, but trades its speed for these, making it slower but more durable.

We’ve also got an update on the next part of Hypatia which will see Olympus get Operations, and some fixes for bugs that arose in last week's update.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements
  • Fixed all stockpile missions as they would request another stockpile pod each new session and players would lose progress
  • Fixed WETWORK Olympus mission from being unclickable and thus unable to be started after the Olympus mission layout change last week
  • Fixed Bear Armor blocking some views in first-person
  • Adjustments to quest spawning and supply pod spawning to fix s...
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13 Oct

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
The first part of our Hypatia Update is here adding Operations ('Open World Missions') to the Styx Expansion
These have proven really popular in the Prometheus map of our New Frontiers expansion, so we’re excited to bring these to Styx - a map rich with challenging geography, unique missions and violent fauna.

Styx was released back in 2022 and has since undergone a major transformation, with 27 missions, unique fauna, fish species, SMPL3 quests, and more. If you’ve enjoyed New Frontiers, or even Olympus (the original Icarus map), then Styx provides a new challenge for you to sink your teeth into.

Notable Improvements
  • Mesh and Texture adjustments to most building tiers which will provide some performance benefits and allows us to cosmetically skin these in future
  • Fixed Longbow being unable to be crafted or repaired on the forge or foundry as it was supposed to be
  • Fixed some collision issues present on th...
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06 Oct

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week Ninety-Six brings the Brown Bear Armor to Icarus, a new Tier 2 set crafted from the pelts of your favorite Icarus foe.

We’ve also got an update on Hypatia, and some news around our planned release for Part 1 - Styx Operations.

Thank you everyone for their feedback last week on the building system improvements, we’ve taken your ideas on board for future updates.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements
  • Increased Ashen Drake spawns in Lava Areas and added additional Spawn Zones
  • Small improvements to building placement logic to make it more intuitive
  • Orbital Exchange Pods when launched grant exotics to your account immediately rather than waiting till the end of the launch sequence
  • Adjustments to the Lava Hunter Broodling Creature so it targets correctly with its leap attack and reduced damage to take into account its burn modifier application

... Read more

29 Sep

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
This week's update features the third batch of Carved Wood Decorations, adding a complete lounge suite to craft and decorate your base with.

We’ve also adjusted our building placement system, adding more options and variations to expand the creative options for builds. This will be an ongoing piece of work for us, so we’re looking for your feedback on it.

Finally, we’ve got an update on Hypatia and next week’s content.

Notable Improvements
  • Fishing traps and other water deployables no longer work in lava rivers, only real rivers
  • You can now right-click food buffs to remove them
  • Fixed a bug where sprinting while swimming in the water would not use stamina
  • Fixed a bug in Cactus and Everbank outposts where aluminum shells sometimes spawned over top of voxels

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