

26 May


I've passed this along to our QA team to look over. Thanks for sharing!


Passed this along to the QA team to look at. Thanks for sharing!


Yikes! Sorry about that. I've passed this along to our QA team to see if we can fix that.


Thanks for sharing this. I'll have our QA team try and reproduce to find a fix.


Thanks for sharing the bug! I've passed this along to our QA team


I've passed this video along to our QA team to try and reproduce the bug. Thanks for reporting it!


I've passed this along to our QA team to take a look at the inconsistencies here.


I've passed this along to our QA team. Thanks for sharing the issue!


I've sent this along to our QA team to take a look at. Thanks for sharing!


I've passed this along to our QA team. Looks like you're not the only one experiencing this issue


Hey there! I passed this along to our team. Any chance you can direct message me your Epic ID (Found in settings under account settings) and which island this is?

25 May


Originally posted by Owen1212055

Whenever you go into a playground this block (I think it’s the featured island..) would appear as my island, then it would switch back and then it would put you on my island. It wouldn't update the settings though. Sometimes It will keep saying "Team 1" won! Then after a bit it would change back to the normal settings and back to the normal island.

There are no teams in my gamemode. No matter how many new codes I made or how many edits it would do the same thing.

I've passed this along to see if we can figure that out. Thanks for reporting it!


Originally posted by EhrenLauch


My guess, and this is only a guess, is that you were on fill, and the game will spectate anyone who is in playgrounds after being eliminated. If you go through Creative, I don't think this will happen. Still sending it along to see if we can make spectating go to the person who eliminated you.


I've passed this along. Are you going through Playgrounds or Creative?


Can you please give a step-by-step example for how this happens, what triggers you to have to double-tap?


Both Impulse Grenades and Boogie Bombs were disabled while we test performance issues. However, the challenge can still be completed without them!


Hey there! There's not a lot of information to go off of here. Are you able to reproduce this every single time you go to Creative? Are you able to record yourself going into the islands, backing out, and rejoining with this bug happening?


Thanks for reporting this bug. Are you able to send over your game logs? I'll reach out via direct message for more info.