

14 Jan

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

During Endurance or Wargame runs (e.g. Torn Apart), if the tornado passes through a structure with a Trap attached, it may damage and/or destroy it.

JIRA FORT-837420

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

When returning to Homebase from a completed Mission, or after leaving an SSD run, the player may lose the ability to move up and down with their D-pad.

Temporary Workaround: Players should still be able to navigate menus vertically using the left stick, or by going to the Locker tab and using D-pad commands there.

JIRA FORT-830857

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

After playing a match in Ballistic and loading right into Save the World, some players may get stuck in first-person camera view.

Temporary Workaround: Restarting the game should help fix this.

JIRA: FORT-834955