

04 Sep

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Update 2 Though the mouse cursor may still appear on-screen when using a controller, it no longer causes control issues. (However, we are still working to prevent the cursor from appearing on the screen.)

If you find that the cursor is still causing control issues, please share a video on one of our supported subreddits.

Update Though marked as “Fixed in Live” with the release of v13.40, we’re aware that this issue is still occurring for players. We are working to address this.

Description When playing on PC with a controller, players’ mouse cursor may appear after they perform certain actions. This can cause issues with gameplay.

Platforms PC

JIRA FORT-296025

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Update 2 Though the mouse cursor may still appear on-screen when using a controller, it no longer causes control issues. (However, we are still working to prevent the cursor from appearing on the screen.)

If you find that the cursor is still causing control issues, please share a video on one of our supported subreddits.

Update Though marked as “Fixed in Live” with the release of v13.40, we’re aware that this issue is still occurring for players. We are working to address this.

Description When playing on PC with a controller, players’ mouse cursor may appear after they perform certain actions. This can cause issues with gameplay.

Platforms PC

JIRA FORT-296025

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Update 2 Though the mouse cursor may still appear on-screen when using a controller, it no longer causes control issues. (However, we are still working to prevent the cursor from appearing on the screen.)

If you find that the cursor is still causing control issues, please share a video on one of our supported subreddits.

Update Though marked as “Fixed in Live” with the release of v13.40, we’re aware that this issue is still occurring for players. We are working to address this.

Description When playing on PC with a controller, players’ mouse cursor may appear after they perform certain actions. This can cause issues with gameplay.

Platforms PC

JIRA FORT-296025

03 Sep

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone, this is Jason McCord, Design Director on Apex Legends.

In Season 6, we made a few big changes to the way our armor works. First, all armor became Evo Armor. Second, all armor values were reduced by 25 HP.

After letting the change simmer for a few weeks, we’ve analyzed some data and collected player feedback enough to make a decision. We are going to revert the armor values to pre-Season 6 values. This change is happening today across all platforms. We are keeping the all Evo Armor change.

I’d like to take this opportunity to explain why we made that change, and why we are reverting it.

From the start of Apex Legends development, one of our core pillars was that getting the drop on someone should give those players a significant advantage. We aimed to promote strategy in battlefield positioning and map control. When these tactics were executed well, but a team still outplayed you because of mechanical skill - this felt bad. In Seasons 1 -...

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    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Discover an updated map, new legend, and more in Season 6.


    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone, this is Jason McCord, Design Director on Apex Legends.

In Season 6, we made a few big changes to the way our armor works. First, all armor became Evo Armor. Second, all armor values were reduced by 25 HP.

After letting the change simmer for a few weeks, we’ve analyzed some data and collected player feedback enough to make a decision. We are going to revert the armor values to pre-Season 6 values. This change is happening today across all platforms. We are keeping the all Evo Armor change.

I’d like to take this opportunity to explain why we made that change, and why we are reverting it.

From the start of Apex Legends development, one of our core pillars was that getting the drop on someone should give those players a significant advantage. We aimed to promote strategy in battlefield positioning and map control. When these tactics were executed well, but a team still outplayed you because of mechanical skill - this felt bad. In Seasons 1 -...

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01 Sep

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Vehicles can destroy structures and props even when configured not to

Platforms PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Android

JIRA FORT-308702

28 Aug

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Challenges may not progress at the end of a match.

Platforms All

27 Aug

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Update We’ve resolved issues with Controller Aim Assist settings on PC, returning them to pre-14.00 values.

Thanks everyone who let us know!


We are investigating potential issues with Aim Assist settings when using a Controller on PC. We will keep you updated when we have more information.

Platform PC

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description There was a short time on patch day where thumbnails from re-published islands would not appear in game or on the Fortnite website.

Platforms All

Workaround This has been fixed, please re-publish your island if your thumbnail is not appearing.

JIRA FORT-311574

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description We’re investigating an issue involving PS4 players’ Trophies not being awarded correctly.

Platforms PS4

Discussion Reddit

JIRA FORT-300992

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description While playing on console, renaming a device will cause the game to crash.

Platforms PS4, Xbox One

JIRA FORT-304131

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Due to an issue, the Water Balloon Toy is temporarily disabled.

JIRA FORT-305149

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description A rectangle and multiple lines of text (mostly the word “Disabled”) can appear in the upper-left of the HUD.

Platforms All

Discussion Reddit

JIRA FORT-307474

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description A rectangle and multiple lines of text (mostly the word “Disabled”) can appear in the upper-left of the HUD.

Platforms All

Discussion Reddit

JIRA FORT-307474