We’re investigating an issue where on every start-up the intro Lobby videos will play for Amazon Luna players. We’re working to resolve this in a future update.
JIRA FORT-758050
We’re investigating an issue where on every start-up the intro Lobby videos will play for Amazon Luna players. We’re working to resolve this in a future update.
JIRA FORT-758050
LEGO Fortnite Top Issues
Read moreLEGO Fortnite Top Issues
Read moreLEGO Fortnite Top Issues
Read morePlayers may have difficulties selecting Challenges within the Daily Wargames Storm Shield Menu.
Temporary Workaround: Check the current Daily Challenge for each location and create a custom Wargame that meets the Daily Challenge condition.
JIRA FORT-678666
Backpack won’t remember the previously selected item category and will reset to Ranged Weapons after reopening.
JIRA FORT-793036
Implement a new culling system and audio memory improvements
Add support for an improved voice recognition that works on all platforms including PS5, Xbox Series X/S and Steam Deck
UPDATE 11/8 \@ 1:00 PM ET We have temporarily disabled Postparty recording on Nintendo Switch due to an issue causing low-res textures. We’ll let you know once this is fixed and Postparty is re-enabled.
We’re looking into a fix for low-resolution textures on Nintendo Switch. We’ll provide an update to this thread when we’ve resolved this issue.
UPDATE 11/8 \@ 1:00 PM ET We have temporarily disabled Postparty recording on Nintendo Switch due to an issue causing low-res textures. We’ll let you know once this is fixed and Postparty is re-enabled.
We’re looking into a fix for low-resolution textures on Nintendo Switch. We’ll provide an update to this thread when we’ve resolved this issue.
UPDATE 11/8 \@ 1:00 PM ET We have temporarily disabled Postparty recording on Nintendo Switch due to an issue causing low-res textures. We’ll let you know once this is fixed and Postparty is re-enabled.
We’re looking into a fix for low-resolution textures on Nintendo Switch. We’ll provide an update to this thread when we’ve resolved this issue.
Some Outfits (e.g. Soccer/NBA/NFL Outfits, Corrupted Legends or LeBron James) are missing the “Edit Number”, “Edit Country” or slider components in the “Edit Style” Locker menu.
JIRA FORT-799508 FORT-799510
Some Outfits (e.g. Soccer/NBA/NFL Outfits, Corrupted Legends or LeBron James) are missing the “Edit Number”, “Edit Country” or slider components in the “Edit Style” Locker menu.
JIRA FORT-799508 FORT-799510
Some Outfits (e.g. Soccer/NBA/NFL Outfits, Corrupted Legends or LeBron James) are missing the “Edit Number”, “Edit Country” or slider components in the “Edit Style” Locker menu.
JIRA FORT-799508 FORT-799510
We’re investigating an issue where built-in emotes, emotes attached to certain Outfits only, do not play when in a Creative or UEFN experience. _________________________________________________________________________________
JIRA FORT-782079