

12 Feb

    UbiBlush on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there Gilcroix!

Did the order appear in your history after waiting a few hours?
If you are getting an error when trying to open a ticket through this link, would you be able to try opening from another browser?

I'm moving this thread to Player Support. Please let us know if you're still unable to contact support through the website

10 Feb

    UbiBlush on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, Agents!

I'm Ubi-Blush and I'm also joining the team as a Community Representative for The Division 2 and Ghost Recon. You will also see me as Ubi-Blush in the rest of channels.

I'm really happy to be working with a very involved community and I've been enjoying reading your threads and seeing your creations (I just want to say... the quality of the art and cosplay? Out of this world!)
Really excited to continue sharing your experiences in-game and to hear about your adventures in D.C. (and Coney Island )