And the Oscar goes to...
And the Oscar goes to...
Works as a good dancing emote if a couple people are doing the paired dancing one!
Wow he went stiff and boneless AT THE SAME TIME.
For anyone engaging in this conversation, I'd love to see some clips around these cheaters/lag switchers so I can get them investigated. Imagine using lag to win instead of getting good. LOL.
LEFTIES RISE UP! (I am a lefty but play traditionally)
Looking good!
Can you reach out to our Support team with this video so they can be made aware? Safe to say this isn't intended lol
Idk but it looks terrible.
It's okay, I have bad taste too sometimes.
Is there an error code associated with the disconnect?
Hey there! Have you tried a quick restart of your game/console to see if that'll do the trick?
Tried it again and the issue still persists. Do you have any ideas on how to resolve this?
I would try verifying the games files. We've had a couple live patches go live over the past week or so, so it's possible something didn't download properly
Are you getting any kind of error message to go along with this?
We actually release a breakdown on the drop rates for Scav crates and the like if you want a clear picture on the liklihood of getting a particular piece of gear!
Don't forget that you can also crossplay with Xbox and PC peeps as well!
Hey there! Are you still having this issue?
I saw this video and thought there was a graphical glitch :D
I get matched with 3 on my team already
Peacedaddy: Smol Edition