Flexing on us with that 00001 number!
Great idea! Charlie#00001
That's annoying. The Arena support site still has a page saying you can skip it, too.
Thanks though!
You can click View Account and skip it from in there.
As soon as I saw Jimmy do this, I KNEW someone was going to make this post.
No problem!
Alt + enter I think?
Context because Apparently I formatted this wrong:
I am in a best of three game with my friend through Discord Challenge. We completed game 1 without issue while i am playing simic nexus, which includes 4x Nexus of Fate. During sideboarding, the game will not allow me to submit my deck even if all 4 copies of the card are taken out.
Oof, yeah it should definitely allow you to play with the card in Best of 3 Direct Challenges and Discord Challenges. We will take a look; thank you for the report!
Just so you know, the latest version of Windows has multiple clipboards build in
WHAT!? How did I not know this?
It's okay everyone, I remembered what I googled and found the Stack Overflow page again.
I'm not actually a WotC employee, but I'm curious if my name tricks it.
Also, WotC, since I know you'll read this...
My name is for sale.
I'm not sure what you're referring to,
I'm referring to when I open the game I get a notice telling me I need to run the installer to update.
Are you running MTGA.exe or are you running the MtgaLauncher.exe first? The launcher is located next to MTGA.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Wizards of the Coast\MTGA
If you run MtgaLauncher.exe the game should just update itself.
Thanks Charlie. I have submitted (ticket ID #543436).
Though when I try to sign into with my user name and password - it says it's incorrect.
I have the same user/pass for the client and So not sure what to do.
It should be okay if you don’t log in, you should have an email and our support folks will chat with you through that thread.
Read moreI'm been playing since closed Beta. Never had an issue until yesterday after the patch.
Anyone else getting this issue? I need help.
I've searched reddit and the official forums, troubleshooting on my own and I can't get anything to work.
Tried 1) Uninstalling everything via Revo Unisntaller and installing again
2) Turning off virus checkers
3) Changing my DNS and flushing
4) Running a windows clean disk
5) Removing and adding from my windows host file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
6) ...
Sorry for all of the headache, Lejind. Your client is pointing at the right place, I'm not sure why it would be timing out. We'll probably need to troubleshoot further with you step by step. Can you open a support ticket with us if you haven't already?
You can switch to the euro store by going to settings > account settings
/u/WotC_Charlie Any chance to get some kind of statement of what is going to stay and not in the output logs when the full game releases? The information provided is very useful and a lot of people use it. Would love to get into a log parser project myself but I am hesitant to make stuff that breaks as soon as the game releases and debug info is gone.
If we make any significant changes we will do our best to communicate about those ahead of time.
We’re currently not planning to reduce the amount of logging — if anything it will get more verbose, but can’t promise anything there.
Changes do happen, and it’s hard for us to keep track of what changes might be breaking for folks.
It's almost patch time!
In an effort to reduce the scrambling required by anyone who parses our output logs, we've gone ahead and captured an advanced sample copy.
Edit: Since it's a set release, we've also included cards.json and loc.json, so you can match up our new IDs to card names.
External link →Boy do I look dumb