

25 Feb


Please click continue. Your stats and rank will be untouched.


You can click continue with no issue - you won't see your stats or rank reset.

24 Feb


Can I get your platform and handle so we can take a look?


Feel free to PM me if you'd like.

21 Feb


Going through our next update right now and see a fix for this, so keep an eye out for patch notes. Thank you again for this, was super helpful to our team.

19 Feb


Thank you for sharing this! 1-4 are set to be fixed in our next update (not a patch, but title update). We're looking into 5, but for number 6., can you tell me a few more details? Did you join a match in progress? Were you in last stand or spectating when the game ended? Any other info you can provide is helpful! :)


we're taking a look at them now - thank you for the quick reporting!


Originally posted by WokenWisp

regiment tags just broke, mine was replaced by two 3's and when i re toggled my regiment tag, now there's a random 3 in it u/ashtonisVULCAN_IW

We're taking a look at these now.


Originally posted by V_Schillinger

Thank /u/rick_IW for these retarded names only he finds amusing and then /u/ashtonisvulcan_IW for tee-heeing the incredibly difficult task of coming up with playlist names to him. According to her he’s a GENIUS XD.

someone hates fun.

18 Feb


Originally posted by jmoneyx

PS4 - JMoneyyx

Thank you.

14 Feb


Originally posted by BillThePsycho

These are all great but there definitely is a missed opportunity with CTF not being called “Capture the Heart”



One of our producers, Rick, is a GENIUS at coming up with names for stuff. He had fun with these for sure, lol.

13 Feb


On our radar! :)

12 Feb


Originally posted by DB9836

Awesome, I loaded up the game and once I selected multiplayer it prompted me to a screen where I was able to download multiplayer pack 2! Thank you once again 🙏🏼

Glad you’re all set. And sorry again for the delay.


We just released a fix for this about 10 minutes ago. Please let me know if you see this pop up again and thank you for being patient with us. I know this is frustrating.

11 Feb


We're working on a fix for this as we speak. Apologies this is happening.

07 Feb


Originally posted by xJacon

I don’t think this is on IW. More on Activision but tagging u/ashtonisvulcan_iw and u/artpeasant won’t hurt.

thanks. send this over to the ATVI folks handling this. sorry I can't be much more help.