

24 Apr


Can you all try again please? A fix for this should have just gone live. You may need to restart your games

19 Apr


I do see the newest driver in the latest crash report. Thanks for the info. I will chat with the engineering team and get back to you if they have any more suggestions.


Hello! Followed you over from the other thread.

Looking at the crash report, it’s odd because it shows that you still have an old Nvidia driver from back in June 2023.

Can you try the steps in this article to get your DXDiag info and see what driver information it shows there?

18 Apr


It looks like you may also be on an old driver, I recommend updating to the latest Nvidia driver as well!


Hello, we are sorry you are experiencing crashes. Our team is investigating this issue.

If you are crashing and have any of the following graphics cards, please follow the below instructions:
-AMD Radeon RX 5700XT
-AMD Radeon RX 5600XT
-AMD Radeon RX 5500XT
-AMD Radeon RX 5700
-AMD Radeon RX 5600M
-AMD Radeon RX 5500M
-AMD Radeon RX 5300M
Or any other AMD Graphic card

Please update to the latest driver version using AMD Adrenaline. The latest driver as of 4/18/24 should be 31.0.24027.1012

After updating, attempt to play Overwatch.

If you are still experiencing crashes, try disabling AMD Radeon Boost.

If you are still experiencing the crash after this, please let us know.



Hello, we identified the problem with Twitch Drops and everyone missing their rewards should be receiving them by the end of the day. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Hello, we identified the problem with Twitch Drops and everyone missing their rewards should be receiving them by the end of the day. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Hello, we are sorry you are experiencing crashes. Our team is investigating this issue.

If you are crashing and have any of the following graphics cards, please follow the below instructions:
-AMD Radeon RX 5700XT
-AMD Radeon RX 5600XT
-AMD Radeon RX 5500XT
-AMD Radeon RX 5700
-AMD Radeon RX 5600M
-AMD Radeon RX 5500M
-AMD Radeon RX 5300M
Or any other AMD Graphic card

Please update to the latest driver version using AMD Adrenaline. The latest driver as of 4/18/24 should be 31.0.24027.1012

After updating, attempt to play Overwatch.

If you are still experiencing crashes, try disabling AMD Radeon Boost.

If you are still experiencing the crash after this, please let us know.



Hello! When was the last time you tried this? We actually JUST made some changes in the last hour that we think might help you out. Would you mind trying again and replying if it happens again? Thanks

17 Apr


Hello all, we made some changes based on your reports. When y’all have a second, would you be able to retry and let me know if you all are still having issues? Thanks again.

16 Apr


Hello! Our team is trying to look into this, thank you for the detailed report. Quick question for you, if you go to the the Overwatch shop on the Battle,net app, are you able to see the store there, along with your overwatch coins balance, or are you getting errors in the app as well?

Open app, go to “Shop” at the top, and then click the Overwatch option from the top bar to check.

Thank you and apologies for this issue!

21 Mar


Hello all, thank you for reporting this–this is on our radar! I did want to call out that this is a visual only bug affecting the End of Round flow. If you go to your Battle Pass page after a match, you will see the actual XP amount in the XP counter. So no worries, you arent losing out on any XP gained.