The name Finn is from an old Swedish legend, Finn the Giant. The most well known variant is about the construction of Lund Cathedral in the 12th century, but similar stories exist about many churches in Scandinavia
so not Star Wars?
The name Finn is from an old Swedish legend, Finn the Giant. The most well known variant is about the construction of Lund Cathedral in the 12th century, but similar stories exist about many churches in Scandinavia
so not Star Wars?
Ender is not new. I mean the one with Goldburg
Ender's not new but Blender is
in game.
Ender doing his own Red Bull Power Play
Do people enjoy this cringeness ?
you KNOW he's gonna be responding to this one in a few hours
I have a theory about this - tldr: it's from advice from Quickshot
QS had that mental health break the other year, and when he came back he was v heavy on the costumes and crazy hair cuts. I suspect that dressing up helped him feel more confident since he was 'playing another character'
Now that Ender didn't have a great year in NA I suspect the costumes are serving a similar puprose.
Might be wrong but this my read lol
I struggle with a lot of things. Confidence is not one of them.
Also my year year in NA was great. I got to work in a brand new game and did well enough that I got the offer to return to EU to cast League and VALORANT which was not the case when I initially left so I'd say it went pretty well.
the voices monkaW
2nd best toplane guest I've ever had on the show. GG Finn
Ender is Lillia enthusiast 😳
oh deer
Can I ask what is up with ender's outfit?
i thought i was casting cyberpunk today
Ender looks like his neck-shoulder line has 45° angle
im jacked
Laure has been soooo good at host. Such a natural fit
on g fr fr
It's the skirt and the clown shoes that does it for me.
It's one of those fits that work well for some people but look laughable on others and feels like it's more of a desperate statement (of which the message is unclear) rather than an attempt at fashion/dressing nice. It's not so much fashion and dressing to look good, more so "look at me I am committing multiple fashion sins".
honestly i agree the lower half looks sh*t on camera. theres so much black tat the camera just swallows it all up. personally i think it looks pretty good in person but is definitely not everyones taste
my outfit is still better than SKs draft
Are we going to see your late game outfit later?
for finals
guys im in the early game and these items give me the best stats
Who are you lot fancying for MVP so far then? I think it's maybe Perkz for me.
what happened to the honorable toplane 1v1?
Ender does it to spite papaya, it's an old grudge
Ender vs. Papaya