

24 May


Originally posted by CylusYT

Great video, love how you break down it so much it's super easy to understand. Keep it up! :)


18 May


Originally posted by hibari112

Oh god no, please, Noc mid is my soloq nightmare (no pun intended). Especially because I've been spamming ekko this season.

Btw, you guys are doing an awesome job with LEC this season.I've never been into pro scene and always watched only hype matchups and important matches in general. But this year I keep up with everything because LEC is just so good. The cast and the players.



Originally posted by endercasts

I used to think Vedius was likeable. Then I duo'd with him.

Jk hes the best and opened my eyes to the church of midlane nocturne


I used to think Vedius was likeable. Then I duo'd with him.

13 May


Originally posted by OvileeMay



02 May


Originally posted by PM_ME_UR_CURVES_PLX

Glad you like it :D please tell me that you showed it to drakos!

I did!


Originally posted by cartamiin

he pressed Flash - Q and then he got airborne from the blast cone.

Nautilus hook is a weird thing... if you press Q before you get CC'ed the hook will still go off... kinda like Tristana's jump... but more consistent XD

Nautilus hook will always take him to the wall it hits even if he gets cc'd as he casts it. Same with the first half of camille's hookshot


Originally posted by FeelsCactusMan2

It would make more sense to store the language defined by the player in his account settings so he doesn't need to change it every time.

I agree but consider the amount of players that need to switch languages on their pc (i imagine very few), so the question would be is cost > benefit? Im inclined to believe its not and that pro players who all hop into custom games before their matches to check setting should be able to tell if their client is in the correct language or not before actual champ select


Originally posted by parkeso

Thanks for the insight here ender! You rock!



Originally posted by ToshiOppa

Have you considered not wearing clothes?

I have now


Originally posted by HalfStarkRhino

Thanks for the clarity. I hope you don't get left at the airport this time!

I've been sleeping there for the last 2 weeks. Im running out of clean clothes...


Originally posted by Blood_Lacrima

So players can't use their native languages in international tournaments? E.g. he could use Korean when playing in OPL but at MSI and Worlds there is only English?

As a ref for international events in the past (msi/worlds 2017) players could change language for their client. The client naturally maintains the language most recently used however, so sometimes players would forget to swap when they logged back in after another team was on stage. Not sure if thats what happened here, but its my best guess

18 Apr

15 Apr


This is not the version that went live yesterday. There was a bit of a mix up and one of the alternate edits ended up being uploaded. Its still mostly the same minus something about an "LCS"??


Originally posted by JohnnyChugs

All of those savage burns demand a consoling KNEE TOUCH.

Even reddit wants to touch my knee?? Where do we draw the line?!


Originally posted by Bapt11

Ender's banter was better dont @

I agree

14 Apr


Quickshot is a great date. 😍