

04 Dec


wort wort wort


in paint?? 🤯


Originally posted by gord89

Millennial dad checking in. Haven’t played in about a year and this is the first thing I’m seeing… What’s Delta?

think halo 2 style sorta. you can get more info here!


Originally posted by PieceofWoods

Do you know why 3rd Person Firefight was taken out? I haven't stopped playing it since it was added, and was surprised to see that it's been removed.

it'll be back next week too!

i believe it'll be in FF Normal :)


just FYI but Delta Arena will be back next week! 💚

03 Dec


someone understood the assignment


can you be more specific about what you're looking at vs what you expect?

i'm not totally sure i follow what you mean.


Originally posted by WCHighfill

Okay thank you though it was a glitch

no worries! always happy to answer if i can. :)


Originally posted by WCHighfill

Well, they finally fixed the reload issue, but now the radar is broke. I have no radar at all in that game mode now. It only tells me where I am but has no radar at all not even the circle. Was it taken away on purpose or is it another glitch??

No Radar Picture

hey hey! i didn't forget about this. checked with the crew and this is by design because they found people were corner camping way more than they wanted in a mode like this.

26 Nov


Originally posted by TomcatLegacy

Is there ever going to be a fix for this?

i think a fix just went live actually!

cc: /u/Cyber_Punk_Weeb

22 Nov


hey hey!

i know this is a couple days old but wanted to let you know the team's aware and looking into it!

12 Nov


Originally posted by EncryptDN

Read more

i know the timing was weird but appears to have been unrelated

08 Nov


don't tell anyone but you're one of my new favorites these days. this is incredible work


we believe this has been resolved - can you guys try searching again for me?


looks like things may have recovered - can you try searching again?


thanks for flagging!

confirming we're aware and the team's investigating


just wanted to say this is something we're aware of and are investigating

07 Nov

06 Nov


Originally posted by Ryan_WXH

Ooop. Looks like old Reddit got changed but not new Reddit. Will get it fixed.

joke's on you, i use old reddit.

but i see it fixed now, thank you!