@SOLDIERCIDE @ComplexMinded @bubblywums @bexsayswords @rebbford @ItsEpi @kalyrical @RKRigney @subatomicmintz @BoMarit89 @OliverAge24 @A_dmg04 @Alessandreew very kind of you, John
@kalyrical @ComplexMinded @bubblywums @bexsayswords @rebbford @ItsEpi @RKRigney @subatomicmintz @BoMarit89 @OliverAge24 @A_dmg04 @Alessandreew 🖤
his CM days may be behind him but that CM clap back is still well-honed
l u l
@zzzzzunit @ComplexMinded yeah I usually call yo momma when I want some appreciation too
@Jatheish @zzzzzunit @ComplexMinded bahahahahahahaha
oh f*ck
Shout out to the CM's, CD's and community adjacent peeps.
Thank you for all you do, @ComplexMinded
some of my fav community people: @bubblywums @bexsayswords @rebbford @ItsEpi @kalyrical @RKRigney @subatomicmintz @BoMarit89 @OliverAge24 @A_dmg04 @Alessandreew
Also Mods 🖤
@subatomicmintz @bexsayswords @ComplexMinded @kaydamphyr @maquannas @BiancaCiotti @LivinalSpace @emercisi @TheSteffie @stephdoesntcare hehe honourary mention ;)
Thank you Sophie, team Survival Game ftw
@MorraPerriadora: This shouldn’t have made me laugh this much
@HGoodGandEBad @tigermadden @TheElliotPage Helena is an Indigenous Australian (her mother is First Nations and her father is white)
@SunflowersChai @ogmedusagaming @tigermadden @TheElliotPage You're disappointed because Helena is a lesbian and feel that's...not okay because there was a relationship between two other female characters in the explorer notes?
All good, our target audience isn't bigots
@dino_magenta @king_tyranno @tigermadden @TheElliotPage 😉
@Matt_Ellis_0812 @tigermadden @TheElliotPage Elliot's performance is so gooooood
@LowlyEidolon @tigermadden @TheElliotPage The fact that an actor is trans may be completely invisible in the role or production, but it powerfully represents diversity in the industry.
Elliot was the person we had in mind when writing Victoria and we couldn't imagine anyone else in the role.
@realgwentastic @tigermadden @TheElliotPage correct
@SunflowersChai @tigermadden @TheElliotPage wanna expand on that?
Helena's @tigermadden flashbacks of her life with Victoria @TheElliotPage in the ARK Animated Series are both sweet and poignant.
This lil teaser depicts them on a dig together.
I look forward to your reactions to the show, hope you love it as much as I love working on it!
@fakehistoryhunt: The Argentavis, with an estimaged wingspan of between 5.7-6.1m was AMONG the largest birds. Pelagornis sandersi was p…
@Tascharoe I think it harkens back to a time that brings comfort for people living in areas under lockdown/restrictions
@whambambigelow @ComplexMinded
@kalyrical Loved the first part of the series, last few episodes went a bit brrrrt