

19 Oct

18 Oct


Originally posted by TSM_0-6

Elyoya in particular playing out of his mind in the second half of that game

he better does after hard inting in the first half

MAD is truly the successor to G2 :')


Originally posted by mariusAleks

inb4 Damwon gets 3-0'd

Damwon gets 3-2ed by C9, C9 gets eliminated by MAD and then MAD lose 3-0 to an LPL team in the finals as is tradtition


I'm so proud of them. Elyoya in particular playing out of his mind in the second half of that game. EU rookies man

15 Oct


Originally posted by Drunth

how strong was the hopium you were on when you ranked FPX last in group A


that was definitely a game. feel so bad for hans. i wonder if he will stick with rogue or go to another team next year? dude's an absolute monster


Originally posted by PM_JINX_HENTAI

Before we go at each others throat after next game, ggs NA fans. We f**king did it.

this is the esports equivalent of the christmas truce in world war 2.


I take back everything I ever said about Rogue.

Hans Sama is disgustingly good.

14 Oct


Originally posted by azaza34

If FNC had no players who would you root for? Is it the org or the players you care about

I'll root for anyone that Yamato, Bwipo and Hyli are working with tbh.

It's really hard to not want to support any of them.


Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

Yeah but my point is that half the time his aggression is calculated. He takes pathing into account, he keeps track of enemy jungler, he abuses weaknesses in their pathing, considers the match-up, when can he go for steals, contests etc.

But the other half it's like pure: "ooga booga I'm coming in hot".

It's like his brain overheats after a few minutes and needs a cooldown period.

"ooga booga I'm coming in hot".

This is why he and Hyli get along so well. Live by the flip, die by the flip

12 Oct


Originally posted by Jedisponge

Always some smug asshole who zones you off the cannon and then throws out some cutesy little thumbs up

solo bolo them and use the same emote back


Originally posted by IgotUBro

Yeah seems pretty reasonable to be honest. What is happening with FNC is a goddamn shame but whatever happens I hope they get through it without feeling to down as they are still young and got the potential still.

RGE suprised me as they seem like the strongest EU team right now especially with how so many people and even I wanted them to go through playins to shake of their jitters. MAD is still good but the first game losing to NA made me salty. But well it is what it is lets GO EU and NA.

RGE suprised me as they seem like the strongest EU team right now especially with how so many people and even I wanted them to go through playins to shake of their jitters

Rogue's always been a great team in Bo1, this is no surprise. It's the Bo5 I am worried about.


Originally posted by IgotUBro

Does that mean you have FNC and MAD as first in your pick ems? Cos they play like they are sitting in a dark room with their PCs turned off. Watching them play hurts my soul...

I have MAD first in Group D and had FNC second in Group C and rogue third in group A. After I heard the news about Upset I dropped FNC to third place in Group C. I still think MAD will come first in that group after week 2, or have the potential to


Originally posted by RoscoMan1

Ancom is anarchocommunist, which is pretty rad.

yes but i think you may be responding to the wrong post


Originally posted by Perceptions-pk

We're totally getting a Rogue vs Gen. G Bo5 aren't we?

the most rogue thing would be for rogue to get out and face edg


Originally posted by KrabbyEUW

[Inhales] Honestly, looking at how well Rogue played when from behind while that is their main weakness I expect a DK vs RGE finals

[inhale] rogue vs mad finals, mad win 3-0


Originally posted by yellister

Totally doable since for me FPX looked worse against DK than Rogue did, despite the early game from toplane. It all will come to this game

[heavy inhale] bro toss me some hopium i'm running out


Originally posted by Ajido

Respect to Rogue, didn't think they stood any kind of chance that game.

The early game was pretty dire but considering the draft, eliminating a few mistakes, I think Rogue would have put up a really good fight (they already did). Considering that they were the weakest team coming into Worlds from EU and they're up against the defending world champions, that's not bad at all

all I'm saying is it would be very 2021 for rogue to get out of groups by beating everyone in the group except damwon.

in fact I can guarantee that will happen because I didn't put Rogue getting out of groups in my pickems and I always get screwed by random upsets in my pickems.