

16 Nov

15 Nov


Originally posted by newjeison

I think in the coming years we'll see less hardware-focused VR sets and more streaming-based ones. If cloud VR ever becomes a thing, I think a large majority of the population will have access to it.

and more streaming-based ones.

I would not be surprised if that's the case, but I hope not

Streaming-based games comes at the expense of "owning" the hardware, which means you tend to get ads shoved into it (hi oculus!)


Originally posted by FinanceRoyal7472

I would hate that! Not due to just cost by then finished with uni and should be able to afford it as long as my lol skin addiction does ruin me. But just the idea of gaming in VR sounds annoying and too much an effort, for something I do to relax. Also let's be honest we are no where near full MMORPG based on VR.

But just the idea of gaming in VR sounds annoying and too much an effort, for something I do to relax

This is how I felt when I first got VR but you get used to it, and then you realise that it's a lot of fun, allows you to interact with virtual worlds in a really unique way and you are exercising while doing it. Besides, not every game has to be super intense physical activity (see: No Man's Sky).

There are some games which are just fun fencing/combat simulators like Until You Fall and Blade & Sorcery, which are very strenuous. And then there are others like The Wizards: Dark Times which are more storybased with limited combat which isn't nearly as energetic.


Originally posted by Painkillahh

I agree with you regarding Accessibility/Cost, etc, but there already VR MMOs (tho not insanely fleshed out) like Zenith and OrbusVR :)

I'm going to have to try Orbus, Zenith doesn't appear to be out just yet


Originally posted by mbr4life1

I'm personally of the other side of the spectrum on this. Depending on their release timetable I'd love for them to usher in the new age of gaming and go for a VR MMO. This is if they are on a 5+ year development cycle (from now not inception of their project), hardware for it will become more common which would aid accessibility. It will literally also be a new gaming paradigm they would create to be the leader in the next generation of gaming platforms (VR). I think why push out into a crowded space when you can reshape the entire MMO industry and be the market leader for PC, mobile, and VR gaming across multiple genres.

Speaking as a player of VR games and not as a Rioter here (I am not working on the MMO, in charge of any game development, or indeed working on any game), I don't personally feel like VR is mature enough or accessible enough for an MMO yet. We're barely seeing companies investing in (triple A) single player experiences. The hardware to have a competent VR game is still really expensive, with the only alternatives being things like the Oculus Quest with onboard hardware, subsidized by ads. That, and there's a pretty heavy space requirement too.

I would love to see a VR MMO (Though, a VR MMO would likely have to be substantially different from what we consider normal MMOs to be like), but I think it's got quite a way to go before we start seeing triple A multiplayer games on VR, let alone massive multiplayer ones. I'd also be really interested to see what a control scheme in a VR MMO would look like, given that MMOs tend to typically have many more buttons to press than stand...

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13 Nov

10 Nov


"I just wanted to help"

07 Nov


Well. I cried.

Also, god damn, Vi kicks ass.

03 Nov


Originally posted by Key2Life4Me_Improve

If you're an engineer, you could also be applying for a H1B Visa. Of course, it is from a lottery pool and there is no guarantee you get one., but if you have a graduate level degree you'd have better chances.

In terms of PERM Labor Certification, it is definitely more steps than just putting out a newspaper ad, but this is not uncommon practice among immigration law firms to fulfill one of the requirements needed to complete the process. Of course this differs from occupation to occupation and is favored towards more specialized/technical degrees/workers.

You are correct that, this does not really apply to the players. The process for esports players is still mostly uncharted and there is minimal precedent to work off of, so it is definitely harder for orgs to do that, especially when countries are cautious about COVID.

To be clear, I'm not offering legal advice, just sharing some knowledge from the experience I have with working with an immigration law fi...

If you're an engineer, you could also be applying for a H1B Visa

Not without a degree I cannot :-) I'd need 12 years of experience to be considered equivalent to an individual with a BSc, which I also do not have. L-1's the most appropriate visa for me, anyway, as it's an intra-company transfer rather than me applying for a new visa. I can't see why one would want to apply for a H1-b given the lottery if L-1b is an option

In terms of PERM Labor Certification, it is definitely more steps than just putting out a newspaper ad, but this is not uncommon practice among immigration law firms to fulfill one of the requirements needed to complete the process. Of course this differs from occupation to occupation and is favored towards more specialized/technical degrees/workers.

I'm just tired of people pretending that US immigration is super easy. Seems to be a really common perspective, and it is reallllly not. S...

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Originally posted by duskie1

Hope everything goes well for you dude.

I don't know where you're moving from, but the culture shock, even for me as a Brit, hit quite hard. Took some getting used to.

I am Welsh; I've been in the US for about 6 mo of the past 6 years, so it's not something I'm entirely new to. Appreciate the warning tho~


Originally posted by -Basileus

The LCS teams get around this by just putting out an ad in the newspaper saying "LCS players needed". Then they say welp we tried, but the locals are unqualified.

Boy, I wish US immigration was that easy. I'm an engineer and am currently in the process of moving to the US and I wish the truth was closer to this meme than it actually is.

What you're referring to is specifically for visas where the company has to demonstrate to the united states that an individual has specialised knowledge that cannot be fulfilled by a comparable American, or when someone is getting a permanent labour cert from USCIS in lieu of a degree. This is usually for L1 class visas (or green cards), which pro players would generally not qualify for when joining a new team. Applying for an L1 and in particular a labour certification is very difficult and requires more steps than just posting an ad in a newspaper :')

Pro players would be admitted into the US likely under a P1 visa, which has no requirement for an organisation to prove that it tried to find a suitable employee among Americans to fill the position (in fact, if you google "P1 visa esports" th...

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31 Oct

29 Oct


that was fast and it looks like fun to play. can't wait to try it!

25 Oct


Hey OP!

in league I am like silver and I am missing core aspects of the game, anyone else switch from dota?

This isn't so bad. Silver is average at the game. Since you've only recently just started playing again, that's really not bad, especially when you consider a good chunk of players never make it to silver.

I don't know a whole lot about DoTA2 but my recommendation would be that you go into each game with a defined goal. I'm a mid laner so I can only advice there, but usually I would aim for something like "hit X cs per minute", "don't die to a gank", and then focus most of my effort on that. I'm sure it's the same in DoTA2 but in order to climb you don't need to be popping off every game, you just need to be consistent.

If you're not already familiar with all of the champions, I'd also recommend looking up the champions you'll be up against on something like lolwiki during champion select, and paying close at...

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Originally posted by sandweeecch

That's fair, low elo players tend to be unpredictable and just aram, but i still think it's important to know your macro because you can create huge gold and experience differences through it when they aram and build leads that can make objectives nearly impossible to take for the enemy team, then again your own teammates probably won't listen though so you'll have to 1v9 with the leads you create

Macro is a great way to accrue leads but unless you have the knowledge to execute on that macro (which involves execution, especially if you are not at an advantage already), it's less reliable in the ranks OP will be at to begin with than just raw mechanical skill. In many cases, players simply don't know how much damage they deal or can take and that alone will win you a lane, and a 1/0 lead is devastating when applied with, again, the appropriate execution.

You don't need complicated macro play to climb at all, and you certainly don't need to worry about it much beyond "where was the jungler last seen?" for a very long time


Originally posted by sandweeecch

Why do you think smurfs can keep 90% winrates in low elo, do you think it's because of their execution or because they know how the game works? I'm saying that he should learn macro over execution and once he has good macro he can focus on execution, since he'll be learning execution along the way

On the account I made in NA I went from unranked to platinum with zero losses as a mid lane player playing Ryze back when he was considered weak; none of that was due to macro play (I suck at macro), it really was just down to execution in lane. I suppose if you're a support or a jungler then it may be more about macro, but as a mid or top you can solo win just by outplaying your opponent and forcing multiple people top or mid lane without even looking at macro; people will naturally come to try to shut you down, and if you play well you'll just kill them our waste their time (or both).

Not that this is how you should play, but this is also a very common reason why one trick ponies tend to climb to a plateau around plat or low diamond and stay there, because that is when macro does start to matter. You could argue that perhaps I had internalised macro knowledge that enabled me to win vs low elo players, but I can tell you with absolute confidence ...

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22 Oct


I just really liked playing Orianna and Zyra. I've never really considered myself a main of a particular main, just a main of specific champions I enjoy, which is why I also (much to the chagrin of my adc) sometimes play support (Rakan, Pyke) and top (Sett)


Originally posted by I_CUM_ON_HAMSTERS

They played meta the whole series, this revisionism is hilarious. Sure they picked Blitz/Leona/Alistair, but they were still only doing that because they secured Ivern Jungle or Karma Mid because at the end of the day they were still just doing the "Ardent buff our ADC to high hell and smash our faces together ARAM style" meta. They were still building Knight's Vow on Sejuani Jungle and Shen Top to put on ADC too.

There was a significant adjustment in their playstyle from first game, to the two wins, to the last losses, and at the time it was even called out by the casters that they were going off their style to the "expected" style.

It was the top comment of the post-match thread 4 years ago; I'm not sure how you can claim it's revisionism.

At 2017 worlds, there were three picks of Leona, three picks of Blitzcrank, three Sivir and two Alistar. Of those picks, one of Blitz, Ali, and Leona were picked in this series, as was one Sivir game. This also one of three games that Karma mid wa...

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21 Oct


Originally posted by ihopkid

i loved that series so much.. but, as with all iconic worlds picks, that cursed my soloq for weeks after that series with fervor leonas "accidentally" stealing my kills

yeah they were so... IgNarant


Originally posted by NetSraC1306

Wouldn't 100% agree on the greatest Bo5 ever.

We had loads of great games through the years. One of my all time favourites was Misfits taking SKT to 5 maps in 2017. Ignar with the surprise Blitzcrank or Fervor Leona are definetly a treat to watch.

That series is one of my favourites. Ignar really showed what support could do. I was disappointed when they tried to go back to a "meta" style in I think game 5?