

29 Apr


Originally posted by Teldarion

Now that the salt has left the body, keep up the good work. It's frustrating but it's to be expected with such a huge release that a few things slips by. Have a great day one you're done putting out the fires :)

Thank you so much! That's so nice of you to say.

We hotfixed this last night, so the problem with attackers being immune should be fixed!


Originally posted by Zoiwillxxx

I also got inconsistencies when frostbiting attacking enemies with Sejuani. The backroll gets frostbitten but the attacking units don't, cause me to lose a lot of games.

Hope that helps.

We hotfixed this last night, so the problem with attackers being immune should be fixed!


Hotfix is on the way. Thanks for the reports :( We feel really bad that this slipped through, and the fact that Oracle's Eye is also incorrect is a blowout.

We're trying to get this out tonight, but it might bleed into tomorrow (US time)


Originally posted by Teldarion

Just cost me a 7-win in expedition. Way to go riot :)

I just died a little inside :( We've been prepping a hotfix for this and are trying to get it out tonight.

28 Apr


Originally posted by iidevilz0

u/riotstrokke are you guys going to fix the inconsistency in the cards wording before launch?

Nope, unfortunately that's going to have to be a problem we continue to work on in the future.


Originally posted by pi73rmaster

Yea, the change is straight on terrible, it changes a lot of stuff + it makes the game more bland and deletes a layer of strategy. A change to cater to newbs.

Sorry you feel that way! I've commented a lot in this thread, but I'll say to your concern that hopefully removing the complexity of the old rule will be off-set by the extra complexity we start adding to the game with this and future expansions.

Spoiler - sh*t gets wild in the future. I think the game rules becoming a little more "bland" will be worth it when we move that spice to the cards!


Originally posted by HARD_SISCON

I don't think it will be that much of a deal honestly. Very, very few decks were able to flood the space like that. Wasn't it just spiders and Dinger ? I like it personally. Much less frustration and it will help those decks a bit.

And it will open us up in the future to do more go wide decks without feeling like we're seeing players up to screw themselves!


Originally posted by Aevio11

Now you have to actually consider what to do if they have another creature in hand. This doesn't remove strategy, it only changes it.

This is a key point - we're moving strategy/skill from one area to another. Nothing is set in stone so we'll monitor feedback, but from what we've experienced internally what you're saying has been what we've felt.


Originally posted by gusgalarnyk

But it removes a negative play experience. I hated sitting on a big minion because I had efficiently kept my guys alive earlier. Honestly I hate that there's a # minion restriction at all.

+1 to this; it's an experience that's especially punishing and common for new players.

In terms of the minion restriction, some of the comments below capture it well. But in addition to the visual complexity, the bigger reason is actually in the mental burden of large boards in a world where your opponent gets to choose who does/doesn't block.

Using MTG as an example, I've played a LOT of it for about 15 years, and I still frequently have situations where I've got 10 units on board, my opponent has 10 potential blockers, and it's too much for me to figure out. So I'll just swing in with everything without much thought and hope for the best.

With this new rule in place, we'll feel more comfortable going wide in creative ways moving forward, but we'll do our best to avoid putting players in situations where they are just blindly swinging because all the possible combinations are overwhelming.


Originally posted by Frewsa

Yeah I’m really not a fan. You used to be able to strategically leave things like spiders alive to keep the enemy from dropping his bombs in the late game. Or not letting jinx get a death rocket because she drew a unit. It really seems like they removed a layer of strategy to the game.

I think that's a very fair reaction, and even once you have your hands on it you may end up still feeling the same way. The hope is that this shifts some of strategy/skill away from the old rule and more in different directions.

It's also move to prepare us for the future - In general we prefer to have less complexity in the rules and more with the cards. So hopefully we're leveraging the design space opened by the the rule in ways that you'll enjoy.


Originally posted by DrAllure

My yeti deck has lost a couple of f**king times cause people refuse to kill my f**king yearlings.

Had a full deck of crap that i couldn't replace with my yetis in hand cause of yearlings and all this other stuff lol

Yep, this is a Feel Bad that a lot of us have experienced even with many hundreds (thousands?) of games played under our belts. I did it recently to myself with a Heimer deck, and I'm personally excited to not have to worry about that as much in the future!


Originally posted by ionxeph

it changes how players will play too, I frequently float mana and hold cards back just to not fill up my board and give myself options, especially with some token generating cards like brood awaken, this change means I don't have to be as careful

Great point. And if the rule is working well, hopefully we'll be making more decisions like brood awakening based on what you think your opponent is trying to do (not based just on the state of your back row)


Originally posted by AndreiHyddra

Yea, just yesterday i won a game cause i stunned all enemies and my opponent had a full board. This changes so much

Correct, we've been playtesting with this new rule in place for a long time and it definitely changes some mid and late game play with only Set 1 cards. But part of the reason the change is coming with Set 2 is to open up the design space of our cards so that we have more options for game-enders that won't have as much backfire potential.

One example of a card that has since changed was one of the original Gangplank designs when the barrels didn't stack and each took up a slot in the backrow. A design like that without "Playing Units on Full Boards" AKA "Clobber" as we refer to it internally wouldn't really have been possible. We ended up changing the design for other reasons :) but hopefully that illustrates the point.


Originally posted by ionxeph

that change on full board is pretty important

Agreed! And perhaps we should have given this change more love in the patch notes. I'll jump into this thread with some responses, there were some really great points brought up.

16 Apr


Originally posted by fcerial

Imagine shiraza thrown by that thing instead of Kato. oh god the horror

Imagine this thing throwing Kato as he throws Shiraza. It would be the first case of someone going supersonic in Runeterra.

10 Apr


Runeterra dentists must make BANK with all those teeth.

09 Apr


Originally posted by -Draclen-

  1. Scavenger turn 4
  2. Midenstokke Henchmen turn 5
  3. ???
  4. Profit

Hell yeah

08 Apr




Originally posted by Jenslen

Excellent on the level up I agree, but are they going to continue effecting the timer because that’s an issue I had with the game, make all the cool level ups you want so long as I don’t rope because of it

That's something very top-of-mind for us, and the good news is that turn timers should already be extending based on the duration of the level-up. So a 4 second level-up is already adding 4 seconds to your timer.