Thanks for this, it’s logged and we’ll validate/fix when we can.
Thanks for this, it’s logged and we’ll validate/fix when we can.
Thanks for the report, we’ll validate this is working as intended, I have it logged.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 72 hours unless flagged)
Thanks for the report, I’ve logged it to take a look into reproducing when we can.
Thanks for taking the time to give us a detailed report, we’re aware of some of that general pathing and we’ll definitely make a pass on it in the future.
Thanks for the report, I’ll test this when I can. This is logged.
Thanks for the report, we’re taking a look at our breakables to ensure we do not continue to smite them with great vengeance.
Logged, that’s a whole lotta damage
Thanks for the report, we’ve logged this and we’ll take a look when we can!
Thanks for the report, we’ll take a pass at the skill’s damage and damage modifiers.
Thanks for the report, we’ve logged this to resolve.
Thanks for the report, I’ve rolled this into some other reported crafting issues.
Thank you, we already have this logged and will look into it.
Thank you, we’ve made a general note of minion stat displays.
Thanks for the report! I’ve got this logged for the team.
Thanks for the report! I’ve logged it and we’ll get that bear to a picnic basket in due time.
Thanks for the report! I actually fixed this myself the other day, so you’ll see it addressed in the next patch.
Hey, thanks for the find! We’ve got this reported in general already and will take a general QA pass at collision and traversal skills when we can.
Thanks for the report! We’ll either update the text of the passive or modify the functionality.
Thanks for the report! We’ll be taking a look at monster AI in the near future and will look to address this.