Thanks for the report! We’ll double-check the node to ensure it’s working properly.
Thanks for the report! We’ll double-check the node to ensure it’s working properly.
Thanks for the report! I’ll bring it to the team as to whether or not it’s intended and we can improve clarity.
Thanks for the report! I’ve logged all these and we’ll have to verify them all.
Were you specced into Blizzard when Stormfury wasn’t giving you movespeed?
Thanks for this! It’s now logged.
Thanks for this! Also this gif is oddly hypnotizing. I’ve logged this and we can look into it.
Thanks for the detailed report! I’ve actually turned this into a generic log about traversal skills and breaking the map, as it’s something that can be reproduced with other traversal skills.
Thanks for the find! I went in and fixed this.
Thanks for the find! This issue is logged.
Did you notice this anywhere else? Were you having issues on the map in any other location? Did re-logging change or resolve this?
Good catch! This is logged. I’ll also be doing a hard QA pass on Reaper Form shortly, as we’ve recently added to it
Good find! This appears to have been implemented backwards. We have this fixed now.
Thanks for the report! I’m logging this as a general AI issue as we’re already aware of it and intending to fix it soon. It’s logged and being tracked.
Thanks for the report! It’s something we’re going to have to start looking at some point into so I’ve logged this for the team.
Thanks for the find! This is logged.
Thanks for the find! This is logged. Have you ever been able to reproduce it? If so, do you have any details for reproduction?
There’s a few reports of similar issues so they’re likely related and we’ll look into it.
Thanks for the find! This is logged. Have you ever been able to reproduce it? If so, do you have any details for reproduction?
There’s a few reports of similar issues so they’re likely related and we’ll look into it.
Thanks for the find! This is now logged.
Thanks for the report! This is logged internally.