A friend recently asked me for advice on implementing character movement aligned with a tile map grid in Godot. This post is an explanation of the approach I would use.
To elaborate further on the requirements: The character should always end up in the center of a grid cell and can only move horizontally or vertically.
I’m generally hesitant to rely heavily on any game engine’s physics engine. For example, I wouldn’t trust a character collider the same size as a cell to fit correctly through a one-cell tall corridor.
That said, I think it’s helpful to work within the physics system so that features like ray casts, collision areas, rigid bodies, etc., interact with the character.
My first thought was for the character to always be in the center of a cell, move between cells once per physics tick, and interpolate the visuals to catch up. However, moving one cell per tick complicates characters of different speeds and could trigger a collision event much sooner than the character visual would indicate.
Instead, to get the best of both worlds, we can calculate a whole number of physics ticks for a given speed in tiles per second and incrementally move the character until centered in a grid cell again. At any given moment, we know precisely which cell we are coming from and which cell we are going to, and we can make gameplay decisions about which cells are walkable rather than relying on collisions.
Here’s the complete CharacterBody2D extension script:
class_name PlayerCharacter2D extends CharacterBody2D
## Snaps to a tile map grid and moves according to player input.
## Set to the tile map you want to walk in.
@export var tile_map: TileMap = null
## Determines speed. Number of tile map tiles traveled per second.
## Cannot be changed after spawning in this demo but you could implement a setter for that.
## Will be rounded to an integer number of ticks per move. For example, with a physics tick rate of
## 60 (default) and a tiles_per_second of 7 it will be rounded up to 9 ticks per move which is
## 6.66 tiles per second.
## Note: there is no minimum speed but the maximum speed is equal to the physics tick rate.
@export var tiles_per_second: float = 1.0
# Position to interpolate visuals from. (smooths motion when framerate is higher than physics tick rate)
var _previous_position: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
# Number of physics ticks before character will be centered in a tile again.
# Character cannot change move direction while between tiles.
var _move_remaining_ticks: int = 0
# Calculated from tiles_per_second. Number of physics ticks to move between adjacent cells.
var _physics_ticks_per_move: int = 0
# Calculated from tiles_per_second.
var _physics_velocity_fraction: float = 0.0
## Node to interpolate between physics ticks.
## Sprites, cameras, effects, etc., should be children of this node.
## Without interpolation, any visuals attached to the character directly would appear to jitter when
## the framerate exceeds the physics tick rate.
@onready var visuals: Node2D = $visuals
func _init() -> void:
# Reset to correct motion mode. (in case script is applied without setting motion mode)
func _ready() -> void:
# Initialize interpolate-from position as starting position rather than zero.
_previous_position = global_position
# Convert desired movement speed into a discrete number of physics ticks per cell traveled.
# For example, if physics_ticks_per_second is 60 (default) and tiles_per_second is 6,
# we will spread the move between cells across 10 physics ticks.
_physics_ticks_per_move = roundi(Engine.physics_ticks_per_second / tiles_per_second)
print("_physics_ticks_per_move: ", _physics_ticks_per_move)
# Since move_and_slide takes a velocity in global space, we provide the global space position
# delta (usually the distance between two tiles unless we started off-grid) scaled according to
# tile speed. Dividing that velocity by the physics timestep (p_delta) would move in a single
# physics tick, so we multiply the timestep by the number of ticks per move.
# For example, if physics_ticks_per_second is 60 (default) and _physics_ticks_per_move is 10,
# we need our velocity to be 6x the distance per second.
_physics_velocity_fraction = Engine.physics_ticks_per_second / float(_physics_ticks_per_move)
print("_physics_velocity_fraction: ", _physics_velocity_fraction)
func _physics_process(_p_delta: float) -> void:
if not tile_map:
if _move_remaining_ticks == 0:
# Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.
# As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions.
var input_direction: Vector2 = Input.get_vector("ui_left", "ui_right", "ui_up", "ui_down")
# Convert global position into a tile coordinate.
# We don't assume we are already snapped to the tile grid.
var position_relative_to_tile_map: Vector2 = tile_map.to_local(global_position)
var map_position: Vector2i = tile_map.local_to_map(position_relative_to_tile_map)
var map_direction: Vector2i = _input_direction_to_map_direction(input_direction)
if map_direction.x == 0 and map_direction.y == 0:
velocity = Vector2.ZERO
var next_map_position: Vector2i = map_position + map_direction
if _is_walkable(next_map_position):
var next_map_local_position: Vector2 = tile_map.map_to_local(next_map_position)
var next_global_position: Vector2 = tile_map.to_global(next_map_local_position)
velocity = (next_global_position - global_position) * _physics_velocity_fraction
_move_remaining_ticks = _physics_ticks_per_move
velocity = Vector2.ZERO
_previous_position = global_position
if _move_remaining_ticks > 0:
_move_remaining_ticks -= 1
func _process(_p_delta: float) -> void:
# Interpolate between physics ticks when framerate is higher than physics tick rate.
# Refer to visuals property documentation for more details.
var weight: float = Engine.get_physics_interpolation_fraction()
visuals.global_position = lerp(_previous_position, global_position, weight)
## Convert analog input direction to grid direction.
## You could implement a mechanism to alternate horizontal/vertical inputs when analog input
## is diagonal. For example, if analog is 2:1 right/up then every third move should be up.
func _input_direction_to_map_direction(p_input_direction: Vector2) -> Vector2i:
if is_equal_approx(abs(p_input_direction.x), abs(p_input_direction.y)):
# Input is near zero or both left/right and up/down are held simultaneously. (don't move)
return Vector2.ZERO
elif abs(p_input_direction.x) > abs(p_input_direction.y):
# Left/right are held or analog stick is *more* left/right than up/down.
return Vector2(roundf(p_input_direction.x), 0)
# Up/down are held or analog stick is *more* up/down than left/right.
return Vector2(0, roundf(p_input_direction.y))
## Can we enter a given tile coordinate?
## Our character has a collider and moves using the physics system so that it interacts properly
## with raycasts, areas, rigidbodies, etc., but alone this would allow us to get slightly closer to
## walls than the center of the tile. Instead, we check before moving whether a tile is enterable.
## In this demo we only allow entering tiles without any collision polygons.
## This could, for example, check a custom data layer "is_walkable" property.
func _is_walkable(p_map_position: Vector2i) -> bool:
var tile_data: TileData = tile_map.get_cell_tile_data(0, p_map_position)
if not tile_data:
# Outside level.
return false
return tile_data.get_collision_polygons_count(0) < 1
And here’s a download of the project files: grid_movement.zip