

14 Jan


Originally posted by ohshititshappeningrn

No I was a year one player, this was so long ago that I can’t recall much of anything. I just know that I was finding them for years after uninstalling the game.

Also I say f**k this game solely because of that, the game Itself was good. I wish I could remember more about where and what I was finding. I would go looking for stuff to remove to save myself some space and I’d find these files related to the game in places I assumed they were never meant to go. Maybe it was some image files like the desktop icon, but in a folder that wasn’t a desktop folder. Are there locations that image files would go independent of the game like a desktop icon?

Thanks for your support back in the day, happy to hear you otherwise enjoyed the game!

For the desktop icon the only thing that comes to mind is if the shortcut got copied elsewhere somehow.

For what it's worth, I took a look through the codebase for places that write images to disk. It's possible something was wrong or different in the past, but at least in the current version I believe the only images written would be:

- Screenshots saved into the install folder Screenshots subfolder. Note: Steam has an optional "Save an external copy of my screenshots" option which defaults to your Documents folder.

- Level editor tools to render the "chart" and "satellite" views into the per-level folder.

- Tools for modders to export icons into the install folder Extras subfolder.

If anyone else comes across this in the future and has run into a similar issue / believes some files are being written where they shouldn't, please feel free to get in...

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13 Jan


Sorry for the trouble! One property in common between the community event icon (a grenade in this case) and the workshop thumbnail is that they both ignore the user interface tinting options. This makes me wonder if the UI tint mistakenly loaded as transparent.

Albeit a heavy-handed option, if you're comfortable resetting all your custom settings this may be worth trying:

  1. Right-click Unturned in your Steam Library
  2. Select Properties...
  3. Find the Launch Options field
  4. Type "-DisableSteamCloudRead" without quotes

After loading into the main menu again you can then close the game and remove the launch option. (Don't load into singleplayer with this option or your progress may be lost!)


Originally posted by ohshititshappeningrn

This game left files so deep in my computer I was finding them for YEARS. f**k this game.

Only way to rid this game from my pc was to build a new one and reinstall windows.

If you don't mind me asking, do you recall anything about where those files were or what they were called? The game itself should only be writing files in its install folder and to Steam cloud.

13 Dec


Originally posted by Sourcz

I'm really sorry, but I've gotten kind off burnt out from mapping. I might revisit the project in the future, but I'm simply focussing on other things at the moment.

Again, I'm sorry if I let you guys down in any way :(

Sorry to hear you've been experiencing burnout! Definitely a good call to take a break. :) <3


Originally posted by Intrepid_Entry4226

Dear Nelson, thank you for upgradeing this after so many years 😂😂 joined unturned yesterday, driving feels like a new game, i need to learn to drive 😂😂

Thanks! :D


Originally posted by nop6211

Nelson doesn’t cease to amaze….this looks awesome.

I really hope we get an update for planes/helicopters in the future

Thank you! :) <3


Originally posted by GasHot4523

this looks epic nelon, will there also be updated plane and heli physics at some point?

Thank you! I completely agree planes and helicopters deserve a similar treatment - and Flodo has even emailed me several extensive in-depth documents about flight mechanics hehe - but I'm not 100% sure at the moment what my next priority will be. Things have been pretty hectic the past month so I'm mostly excited to release this update and enjoy the christmas break. ;D

12 Dec

06 Dec

05 Dec


Loving all your skit videos! :)

The zombie AI is pretty silly in these spots. Game-design wise I think it'd be interesting to balance the player movement abilities and environment around what the zombies are capable of (+making the zombies more capable of course).

27 Nov


Thank you for your continued interest! I hope to make the future worthy of the longtime support of players like yourself.

For context, the two most recent blog posts people are referencing are:

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09 Nov


Really impressive base! Loving all the attention to detail both outside and in your armory. My sister even saw your post on her front page and sent it to me because it was so impressive! :)

06 Nov


Stepping in because this is (unintentionally) misleading.

The terrain is always drawn before water which means any water underneath the map will be skipped because it fails the depth test.

Since you mention memory (RAM), for most players, Unturned uses a lot of RAM when a lot of mods (including curated maps) are installed. The game pre-loads a lot of content which is undeniably problematic memory-wise, but it has its upsides, and is difficult to change at this point because it's somewhat foundational. We have a support article to help with reducing RAM usage:

27 Oct


I completely agree this would be awesome! I feel like we don't hear from singleplayer folks too often - I appreciate your posting. :)

I have kind of wondered about that as an "end goal" for the maps: Something like the horde beacon to fully clear out a location. Longer-term I envision the series having a greater PvE focus and content like this, e.g., defending your base against roaming zombie hordes.


If I recall correctly, one of the main reasons for replacing the clouds was a technical one: Previously, the clouds were giant mesh particles drawn in the 3D. This meant the camera's far clip plane needed to extend far enough to cover all of the clouds, otherwise they would get cut off on the left and right edges of your screen. Regardless of graphics settings the far clip plane was something like 4 kilometers. I wanted to make it configurable so that players on low-spec PCs could cull more distance objects (think of how area increases as circle radius increases). By moving all of the sky effects like sun, moon, clouds, aurora borealis into the sky shader it became possible to limit the draw distance as close as you want. :D

Personally, I'm happy with the current clouds, but I'd also be happy to take another crack at improving their visuals further down the road. (e.g., multiple layers or styled volumetric clouds, something along those lines) The old cloud models were contr...

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16 Oct


This is great! I especially love the multi-map transition.

15 Oct


Thanks for your interest in the future of the series! We're certainly overdue for a follow-up to my 2023 follow-up post.


Originally posted by SeverePerspective394

Just in case it's unclear, I'd like to clarify that's not actually me.

07 Oct


Originally posted by SSSteakyyy

Nope but of course I’ve got to try it now thanks so much for creating such an amazing game I started playing back in the dead zone and unturned 2.0 days and I just always come back

Thanks for your kind words and your longtime support - all the way back to Deadzone! :O

I'm honored that it's something you've enjoyed coming back to over so many years, and I hope to make the future of the game/series worthy of this support!