almost 3 years ago - nodehappy - Direct link
It is an enjoyable video for sure. I wouldn't mind a series on Netflix or Hulu.
almost 3 years ago - nodehappy - Direct link
Investor: a person or organization that puts money into financial plans, property, etc. with the expectation of achieving a profit.
Early Access: Early access, also known as early funding, alpha access, alpha founding, or paid alpha, is a funding model in the video game industry by which consumers can purchase and play a game in the various pre-release development cycles, such as pre-alpha, alpha, and/or beta, while the developer is able to use those funds to continue further development on the game. Those that pay to participate typically help to debug the game, provide feedback and suggestions, and may have access to special materials in the game. The early-access approach is a common way to obtain funding for indie games, and may also be used along with other funding mechanisms, including crowdfunding. Many crowdfunding projects promise to offer access to alpha and/or beta versions of the game as development progresses; however, unlike some of these projects which solicit funds but do not yet have a playable game, all early access games offer an immediately playable version of the unfinished game to players.
Everyone has the right to be in this discussion.
almost 3 years ago - nodehappy - Direct link
Originally posted by HansHasHands: Question still being ignored

You are not an investor, by the definition of an investor, as you do not receive a profit. However, you have made an Early Access purchase by the descriptions of Early Access, defined by Steam as Early Access. Neither of which gives you a stake in the game's profits nor does it allow you to mandate the game's direction. Instead, you can provide feedback to influence the game's approach at the consideration of the game's proprietors.
almost 3 years ago - nodehappy - Direct link
By posting in Steam Discussions you have made your discussion available to a variety of opinions. If you do not like the differing opinions then posting isn't recommended.
almost 3 years ago - nodehappy - Direct link
Iron Gate nor its publisher has an obligation to disclose finances as you are not an investor or proprietor. You have made an Early Access purchase by the descriptions of Early Access, defined by Steam as Early Access. Neither of which gives you a stake in the game's profits nor does it allow you to mandate the game's direction. Instead, you can provide feedback to influence the game's approach at the consideration of the game's proprietors.