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they removed family sharing?
I play these day, but today when I try to play an error occured and in my steam library the game show "Purchase" instead of "Play"

Thank you

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almost 4 years ago - Munin - Direct link
Valheim supports Steam Family Sharing.
about 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

We have unfortunately had to disable family sharing on Steam for Last Epoch.

This feature enabled the use of significant RMT (Real Money Trading) and Botting options, and was removing our ability to ban/remove accounts, faster than they could share them with their entire networks. This resulted in a significant amount of spam, RMT abuse, Gold Selling, and Botting, all within less than two weeks.

Disabling Family Sharing was necessary to combat these RMT services abusing this feature hurting the in-game experience for all players. We continue to prioritize player experience, from quality of life features in game design, to incorporating feedback, to social interactions within Last Epoch. With that, we want to ensure you that we will continue to explore options for how we might be able to support this feature, as well as ban these offending accounts to help keep Last Epoch a welcoming community for everyone.