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almost 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by DragonsThatFly

When making the preview videos for skins in the shop how do you chose the agents holding the weapon, the agents being shot, and the map being used? Weird question, just something I've always been curious of.

Sometimes we advise on this, but usually Marketing knows the best way to represent it in terms of map, agent, etc. based on the other info we give them about the skin.

I asked them to show the Finisher first this time (then the other stuff) since we used to ask them to do the Finisher late. This way you can see the Finisher quickly now!

almost 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by Gutterworks101

It would have been too much work for me!

Most honest answer on reddit ever.

almost 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Fun Fact: The VFX artist who worked on these effects and the Finisher was also the VFX intern who worked on Reaver: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jpakh6/im_the_intern_who_made_the_reaver_finisher_and/

He finished school this year and joined our team full time!

almost 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by sadboysthrowaway5295

Thank you so much for this!

It was annoying having to wait long to see the finisher. Especially since the videos go through all the other upgrades from the start again.

you're welcome! :)

almost 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by ashleypenny

Why are the videos for finishers so long for skins? I just want to see the finisher when I hover over the finished one but have to watch about 20 seconds of firing, inspecting and then turning around and shooting another agent 😂

That's why we're trying this new approach. Like it better?