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I was looking at a video talking about 1.05 changes, and noticed this

Killjoy's ability icons seem very detailed, compared to e.g cypher, as shown in the image linked above

Are other ability icons going to get more detailed soon as well, or is this just related to datamining or whatever it might be in this case

Killjoy's ability icons look more like the silhouettes of the actual abilities, whilist e.g. Cypher's look more simplified

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about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by macarmy93

Shes not newer though. Morello said she has been in the game and tested even before breach was. Granted they may have redone her icons though.

Her kit isn’t newer, but her icons definitely are.

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotSwade - Direct link

Heya! The icons for the ‘newer’ agents in the lineup (Breach, Reyna, and Killjoy) were made by me. They deviate from the original cast as they are a bit more detailed. Icons are a bit difficult to design because you have to tow the line of not being to literal and only showing exactly what you see in game while also giving the essence of what the ability does. I would love to circle back at some point and give the original casts ability icons a bit of an overhaul.

As always let me know if you don’t think any of the icons hit the mark or if you have better ideas for them :D we aren’t adverse to making changes if we all think they need it!