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almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Voshin

Now that the basics are in place, we are going to take more risks with what each Agent introduces to the game, pushing some boundaries, and evolving what is possible in an ability based tac shooter.

Good. Some people are gonna bitch and moan when they see new stuff, saying it has no place in the game even before they played it or against it. But it shouldn't deter Riot, that is what keeps any game interesting imo, as long as it's done thoughtfully and with quality over quantity in mind.

We definitely want to push boundaries and see what's possible! We also know that pretty much every time we release a new agent, there'll be groups of players who think that we've gone too far, that we're intentionally releasing OP characters in an attempt to make money, or that we just don't understand the game or are disconnected from the player experience - but I hope with time (and assuming we don't screw things up too badly) we can build some trust with yall that we can make some out-there concepts work in a tac shooter. Killjoy was definitely scary, given the stigma against turrets in FPS games, but I feel like we got through it alright, and Skye seems to have landed reasonably well as well for a low personal agency, high utility supportive pick.

This next agent will be on the spicier side, for sure. Excited for the discourse that follows, as always haha