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Hello everyone. I just wanted to share a little story about me and Valorant.

I am a fervent believer that it's never too late to be good at video games. I am 33 years old, I work everyday at a 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. job and I am currently at the peak of my gaming life (oddly enough). I am currently standing at 315 RR as of today, solo queue only. Each time I go back home, I shower, I clean up some stuff then I turn on my computer with only one thought in my mind : winning games. I am French and I main Chamber, might as well right ? People think chamber is only for people who have great aim because of his kit, but I firmly believe that it also fits boomer like me with just a decent aim and a passion for positioning ! Because yes, you can win games, many games, not by aiming people with crazy flicks and one taps, but by thinking out ways to outplay your opponent through better positionning and better teamwork. I am that kind of guy. I don't need to get MVP each game, I don't care if I am last or first of my team. I just want me and my team to win, together. And this is maybe what made me win so many games all in all.

So to all my fellow 30/40 years old gaming camarades out there, don't give up ! There's always time to improve and be better. There's always a way for you to climb higher in the ladder.

Me, I am just an old guy, trying to get Radiant. Hopefully this episode will be the one where I finally become one of the 500 stars of Valorant.For anyone curious about the details of my stats, check out my tracker.gg !

315 RR on the Asia server

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over 2 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link
