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almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_CasualPenta - Direct link

Wow, lots of love in this thread. It's much appreciated! <3

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by focusfcb

Well deserved if you ask me.

Thank you fam :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by AJRey

Awesome. Take care of yourselves Riot Games teams! Valorant is a fantastic game and I love the experience!

Thank you so much fam :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

I was going through and thanking people who were saying how much we deserve it, but there were too many of you...
Thank you all so much. You're gratitude and kindness and empathy totally made my morning.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by Proulx1

I didn't realize that Riot employee's were worked so hard. Honestly, I'd be okay with everything being a month later, if it meant that employee's didn't have to run themselves ragged.

It's okay, we just wanna make you guys happy. That's why we became game devs.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

By the way, this does mean our next patch is going to be late (8/20, not 8/18). We're communicating this where we can, but consider it !pinned here.

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by CloudyTheDucky

Over on the LoR sub, there was a post hit hot about that team going to the pool. You guys should go to the beach!

but COVID :( Personally, here is my schedule:

Day 1: Super excited about doing nothing for a whole week. Watch a few movies on my Netflix queue.

Day 2: Decide to finally catch up on all the games in my steam library. Proceed to play Civ for 11 hours.

Day 3: Decide that this is a great time to work on my hobbies. Get frustrated. Decide that gaming is also a hobby and get stuck deciding between VAL's battle pass and wooing Thresh daddy.

Day 4: Wonder wtf I'm supposed to do for 4 more days because I don't handle boredom well.

Day 5: Start working but don't tell anyone.

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by Jackviolin

Aren't you fiance of RivingtonThe3rd his name?I see your name on Hiko chat. I didn't know you are Riot employer. Keep it up best woman and thanks for letting Riv play with Hiko xd

Haha! Yes! That's me! :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by natedawg247

Can I ask a question that I don't understand, were you guys forbidden to take time off over the past 6 months? I work for a large tech company, and we have pto... I know riot has pto. Was it not allowed to be used through launch or something? Most company's employees take time off through summer as they personally want not on a week off like this. And if it was forbidden did you guys know months ago you'd get this week off? Or is this week in addition to regular pto?

Oh we were absolutely allowed! We just ran into the issue that, for lots of us, whatever work we didn't do just got pushed forward or handed off to someone else. (Not everyone has the luxury of being able to unplug without some kind of work buildup.) No one wants to come back after two weeks and have to mega crunch for another 2 weeks...and we're all looking out for each other, sono one wanted to say "Hey, I'mma dip out for 2 weeks, so someone else is going to have to do twice the work while I'm gone." Lots of Rioters also actually struggle with using their PTO since they're so invested in the work they're doing, and this is especially true when many Rioters are launching games they've been working on for years. (I know several people whose managers have forced them to take time off lol). Forcing a week off it's Riot's way of making sure we're all taking the time we need.

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by BOmmen04

Thank you to the team for the incredible characters that y’all have created in Valorant and LoL. Y’all work so hard to keep community engagement up and that’s one of the best things about your games. Y’all deserve the rest and relaxation. Again, thank you so much!


almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by botoshmoto

Thank you for bringing such enjoyment through out this quarantine. Valorant saved me many nights staring at my ceiling and inting my sanity away in league


almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by tb0neski

Im sure you guys see a lot of complaint threads a ton, but just know threads like these show how much we support everyones hard work <3

<3 sob Seriously. This thread is the greatest thing ever.

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by SupehCookie

Ohh thats pretty good! Enjoy your time off! And thanks for everything what riot has done! I love the game!

Also, where did you work on? If i may ask?

Thanks so much :) I'm a Strategic Advisor on VALORANT. My job is to help stakeholders make good decisions about products, features, and initiatives.

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


<3 That's what we're here for, fam. I'm so glad we're delivering for you. Keep enjoying the game!

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for the recommendation :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by zebsar

Just one more turn?

The "just one more" mentality is real lol