This is strange. I've got a good high/midrange PC and I should be hitting 250 frames on average, given that a 1050ti is recommended for 144hz. I looked into how the game runs exactly and found the following:
1) Only 1 core of 8 is maxed out, the others are literally barely in use. I have 16 threads. Why is this not in use at all?
2) The GPU and CPU both barely break 30% usage even as I'm running the game. I can clearly see this on task manager. Why is there no bottleneck that I need to manually cap out?
3) Power Usage is extremely high sometimes. After I've quit the game, I can see the Riot Client completely destroying one CPU core even when I'm not using it. I've had to force close it to stop it reading/writing to my SSD in the background.
I asked a friend to check his Task Manager during a game and he can see his CPU and GPU only at 30% usage on average too. Are we actually missing 70% usage? Check it yourself when you're in a game.
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