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I'm seeing so many people on this sub complaining about Killjoy's abilities.

Like they're saying she's gonna be the next Raze. That's just not true.

Remember when Reyna came out and players were saying she's broken? Now nearly no one in high elo is using them. During the PAX invitational she had an 11% pick rate.

  • TURRET: If you take a look at the amount of damage her abilities do then you'll notice that they're not as OP as they seem to be. the turret for example shot 6 bullets on the Jett but still needed 3 Classic body shots to get killed, meaning that it's more of like an alarm rather then an actually damaging turret. There's also a near 100% chance that it can be destroyed.
  • ALARMBOT: For the Alarmbot, that thing is tiny it's bound to have very low durability, yes it can give you the ''Fragile Debuff'' just like Viper can, but that debuff lasts like 2 seconds and i still have yet to see a Viper player make good use of it. The only OP thing is that it likely does more then 50 damage on impact assuming the Sage didn't have heavy armor.
  • NANOSWARM: Her Nanoswarm is the only thing i would consider OP but it also heavily depends on luck, it can be placed beforehand and it goes invisible just like Cypher's Cyber Cage, however, since you have to place it beforehand, it also means that the enemy might plant on different spots to avoid you activating it on them while they're planting it.
  • LOCKDOWN (this name xd) : Her ultimate ability can disarm enemies and make them unable to shoot back but it takes a full 8 seconds to activate and it's destructible, this one certainly also seems OP as it puts ALOT of pressure on defenders when they have to retake a site and are in range of her ult but then again, it's an ULTIMATE ability, it's supposed to be able to change the tides of the round. You can also count on it needing 7 ult points instead of 6 since she's likely a Sentinel.

Yes all of her abilities do damage just like Raze but it's not nearly as much as her and you have to place them beforehand. I can see many holes in her abilities and ways to counter it. You can look at her as a Cypher of which the abilities do damage and can watch flanks.

You also have to consider that her abilities on Attacker side are weaker. There's a limit to the range of her Alarm Bot and Turret meaning that so long as players don't stay to close to the entrance of a site then those 2 abilities won't trigger and will become kinda useless. This means that her role as an attacker will be the same as Cypher, which is to use her abilities post-plant and defend the site, and for pre-plant is to put down her kit in locations where the defenders could push from and watch the flanks. And her Nanoswarm ability is gonna function like a molotov with the only difference being that it lasts 4 seconds.

But unlike Cypher, she doesn't have smokes and her ultimate doesn't reveal enemy locations which means that it's not as valuable pre-plant unless she can plant it close to a site and 'Disarm' the defenders before entering in. Only problem is you're telling the entire enemy team that you will likely push that site. But what we don't know is whether that ability disarms teammates or not.

But overall, all her abilities as an attacker have to be used while behind cover, she's basically the same type as Cypher and Viper where she has to plant everything first before usage. I don't think she's overpowered, she's not a Duelist after all but likely a Sentinel

I do think she can be very useful though, one thing to consider is that she could replace Cypher, because if the Attackers do something as using 3 sentinels then they're gonna suffer on attacking side.

What i'm trying to say here is that she has ways to be countered, just like every agent. We should stop freaking out everytime a new agent comes out and start saying this game is gonna become like overwatch because 2 weeks after Act 2 people will have found several ways to counter this agent.

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about 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

I like watching the discussion on upcoming agents because it helps the team calibrate whether we're misaligned in information (y'all don't get what the abilities do), values (y'all think grenades are stupid), or capability (y'all don't trust us to balance this thing).

I also remember the fun conversations around Sova's Sonar Dart when we showed it in our first gameplay trailer, and how those died down once people learned about the mechanics of it.

We're not asking for blind trust, but for me personally I think the hand-wringing and trying to preemptively demand change is a bit overblown. Let's try it out, see how the game takes it, and learn together! This is the joy of a game that gets patched every two weeks and has all the intentions of staying around for a decade or longer. We can get better through conversation, but we won't get anywhere by being afraid of change.

Also nicolo's tweet keeps haunting me in my dreams and we'd like to say it's a little misguided. u/MorelloRiot has a great tweet thread where he parses some of our thoughts around damaging abilities on kits - https://twitter.com/RiotMorello/status/1288292085078999041

Here's another thread/conversation: https://twitter.com/RiotMorello/status/1288225436493783040

We'll probably do a deep dive here to clarify in the future.

about 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by DannyLJay

I 100% agree with waiting to try it out first but it’s a matter of if/when people decide it’s just flat out annoying to deal with, by then it’s far too late to undo anything, she’s made, that’s it, you can only tweak numbers from there.
Even showing her has made a lot of people recoil, and it’s worrying.

A few seem to disagree with me and that’s fine I just personally had a hard time recalling too many times Riot was actually willing to admit their mistakes and undid stuff.

Whatcha mean it's far too late to undo anything. We've literally remade entire characters in League of Legends.

I think the conversation around why it's worrying is good, but nothing is so sacred that we'd keep it in if it did real damage to the fundamental truth of the game. "Annoying" is probably not enough to remove something (a good Cypher annoys the sh*t out of me), but let's keep talking.

about 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by avscc

I think unfortunately someone at the company messed up by releasing it too early, which caused people to over-analyze based on limited data. That did not help.


it's okay, self-leaks come with the business (and boy is business booming)

about 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by hardenfull

Thank you for the your work and transparency. I do think that a lot of the things are overblown because of people fear of the game becoming unbalanced, but at the same time I feel like if new agents are just slight variations of the ones already in the game, the game will be stale and hero tact shooter will be pointless. Its good to see you guys trying different things with agents.

I think this is THE TAKE. Sometimes you have to push the boundaries to understand how resilient the game thesis is, and that seems to be a philosophy hard baked into Riot's design DNA. I think there are other games that want to take tiny steps toward perfection, but if you've ever watched League, you'd know that's not in the genetics.

It isn't to say change for the sake of change (Morello's got a dev diary coming up where he talks about extreme intentionality when designing an agent), but it is about seeing how the game can be stretched but not broken by designing provocative experiences. An agent that's a 1.1 of another agent just ends up consuming the other.

about 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by Tear-A-Me-Sue

Sorry to hijack here. But what about the reports that Cypher is actually Pitbull, Mr. Worldwide himself?
