First off, I’m exited as hell to have a conversation with a riot employee, no less one with an ivy JD and a creator of my all time favorite game (high praise, I’ve no-lifed a lot of competitive games since I was a kid. I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since I was young and I find myself attracted to the ability to have a meaningful impact on others through use of legal knowledge and the ability to interpret things that most others may not have the ability to do so or the desire to do so.
I do strongly feel that I need to figure out better which field I want to go into after attaining my JD, but definitely not criminal, family, or immigration law which I have experience working in. Corporate or financial law, ip, something in the tech, maritime, or even something as far out as pharmaceutical law are appealing to me.
As I write this though it feels like utter mouth garbage in comparison to the possibilities of a career at riot games on the valorant team (which I have also looked into, but lack any clear CS/engineering skills to pursue). The lsat is my hurdle at the moment and law school would be paid for w/o student debt. I injured my back (herniated disc in tailbone) with no clear timeline of recovery while I was in school which derailed me from law school and forced me to take things slower and subsequently led me back into competitive video games in my free time from work. I’m several years out of college with two degrees, but no where near where I know that I could be with two undergrad degrees and making min wage.
Edit: sorry for the edits, i’m on mobile in bed making it hard to put together paragraphs.