Is there a way to select your server? Feel like Ive been playing on west coast servers, I'm in the midwest.
External link →Is there a way to select your server? Feel like Ive been playing on west coast servers, I'm in the midwest.
External link →Alaska to west coast 150-160 ping, Alaska to east coast 100 ping. I think something is seriously wrong with the routing here....i get 55 ping on counter strike if i connect to a west coast server. Friend in California was getting 28 ping all night while i was getting 155 and my friend in Florida was getting 110 and even our texas player was at 110.
It's probably a peering issue between your ISP and our ISP (Riot Direct). I'd recommend submitting a support ticket with details of your location and ISP and our network engineers will look into it.
u/RiotArkem do you know what kind of ping you guys are shooting for, for the Midwest? I'm currently right outside the Chicago area with the best internet money can buy and I average 100 ping in my games of Valorant (LoL is 23-30). I'm using a VPN and the best I can find is Atlanta with 80. Thanks in advance, the game is just unplayable with current connectivity issues for me which really suck, so any advice would be amazing. (all 4 ranked games I had packet loss so that felt good lol, I uninstalled and am waiting to hear back from Riot currently.
I recommend submitting a support ticket because something is wrong here. Unless your MMR is very high (or very low) you should be playing on Chicago servers almost all of the time.