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Let me start off by saying, Morello is an extremely nice individual and does not have to take time out of his day to answer any of these questions. But He'll normally stream and answer questions that Twitch chat has.

Sage Nerfs still happening?

  • He states that Sage Nerfs are still coming. Says there will be side nerfs, and not necessarily changing/slashing numbers.Will probably take power from one area and put it in another area.

One way smokes?

  • They are okay with some of them, they just want to make sure its not the only way smokes are used

Do you think Viper buffs were not enough?

  • We don't think they were enough and she will probably be buffed more. But we knew that during testing. We'd rather buff slowly instead of buffing and making the agent over the top.

Do they listen to complaints?

  • Morello says they listen to complaints and some complaints confirm that things are working. Uses the OP as an example. He sees complaints all the time of players stating they can't peak an Op'er with a Vandal and win the duel. Says that is intentional and designed that way.

Removing Sage self heal?

  • Says hes not a fan of Sage self healing. But he was convinced out of removing it by the design team. Says hes of the opinion that "Duelists" should have the highest self healing in the game.

How do you manage two agents that do something very similar?

  • Says they want each agent to have an identity and don't really want agents to do the same thing well. Says the removed the slow from Cyphers cage because they see Sage as the "Stalling" agent. Says if Killjoy and Cypher have very similar play patters, then they will nerf what the other champion is good at. States Cypher is the "Map control" agent and Killjoy is the "Site Holding" agent. Says avoiding her is going to be easier because she has less offensive potencies.

Rant from Hiko?

  • Says he likes Hiko, good players and a very good dude. But doesn't agree with some things such as him stating that "They're going to have to add shields into the game" if they add turrets.

  • Says this is completely different than Overwatch. You put shields in the game when people are shooting you with damage abilities. States Champions like Mercy and Rheinhart are not put in there to stop Torbjorn. They're put in there to stop Soilder76 and Pharrah at a consistent rate.

  • Says they've tested shield agents, and tested it a lot. They don't think it helps gameplay and doesn't really fit the game. Says it removed the tension, consequence and gameplay. Also states the appetite for a shield agent is low anyways.

  • Says theres an Audience (And doesn't think Hiko is necessarily that) that they are not serving and do not want to serve. Hardcore purist CS players that want only gun play. The audience that thinks that if this element didn't work in CS then it shouldn't be in Valorant, and if it worked in CS then it should be put into Valorant.

  • Says he understands the complaints of Killjoy as some players think its going to be like Torbjorn as that's really the only thing they've seen and can compare it to.

  • Says complaints about Killjoy crossfire is kind of the point of Killjoy. They want her to be hard to attack against. Says players shouldn't attack Killjoy with normal tactics. They want players to treat it differently if its Killjoy or Cypher. Says players do attack Cypher carefully (Shock darts for traps, slows, grenades, breaking cams) and think the same will happen for Killjoy.

  • Killjoy, Raze and Sage have been in the game the longest. Says they've always been part of the Eco-system and those 3 agents were designed? by Ex-CS players such as Volcano, Classic, etc.

Do you watch Tournaments?

  • They follow it closely. The more pick rate of Breach surprised them.

New Map Act 2

  • States that there is a new map coming out along with Killjoy New Map is Episode 2, Act 2 will only be Killjoy

Another heal in the game?

  • Yes there will be, one healer will inflate sages values.

Classic Flashbang?

  • Says its the most powerful flash bang he can imagine. Says if they add it to the game then he can't see a way of them making other flashes not be exactly that.

Do you think Viper buffs were not enough?

  • We don't think they were enough and she will probably be buffed more. But we knew that during testing. We'd rather buff slowly instead of buffing and making the agent over the top.

Killjoy Ult?

  • Killjoy puts it down, and after 13 seconds it detonates. It does nothing for 13 seconds until it detonates. After 13 seconds, all enemies in it becomes detonated. Says it the closet thing they'll ever have in the game related to a stun.
  • Says its very easy to avoid. Says in testing they've never seen anyone get checkmated by it. Really easy to avoid unless you somehow back yourself in a corner.
  • Says if you are trying to escape and get shot, that's ideal.
  • Says if you all run and give the space, then that's ideal.
  • Says if you all push it within the 13 seconds and kill it, then that's also ideal.
  • Says if it hits you, its pretty much round over. You have to respect it.
  • Everyone can see the radius.
  • It does not affect teammates
  • Does not require line of site sight

Can you buff Breach by decreasing delay after using ability?

  • Least likely place we will buff him. Self capitalization should not be breach's goal. We want him setting up teammates.

Cypher Nerfs?

  • They want to do clever nerfs, they've been backed up with Sage nerfs and Breach Buffs.

Sova Drone?

  • Its a bug, they will fix it

How do you decide which agent to release?

  • Says when Killjoy comes out, All the original characters that they used in testing will be out. This is the base roster. The foundation. Every Agent after that will be what is the game lacking. Says there will be some overlap, but agents will be different. Says Omen and Brimstone have smokes, but are different playstyles.

Unlocking agents?

  • Do not have to re-unlock characters but will have to unlock new agents added (Killjoy)


  • Sage/Cypher will get nerfed
  • Breach will be buffed
  • Are not trying to please the audience that is extreme CS gunfights only
  • New Map , Agent in Act. Only new Agent

Edit: Apologies, Its a new map with a new episode. Not Act 2. My mistake

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about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Funkyfreshprince

He mentioned that in a perfect world they'll want 5 duelists, 5 healers, Etc. 5 of every role.

They will then watch team comps and if comps are 5 of the same role then they will work hard to fix it.

It's important to call out here that "healing" is not a role - "healing" is just an output (something that characters can do) in Valorant. Our roles are Duelist, Initiator, Controller, and Sentinel, which are all focused on how players initiate engagements and fight over territory. "Healer" is not a role, but we will probably release agents in the future that can heal allies - it's not great that Sage is the only one that can do this right now. That is not the same as to say we want an entire "healer" class - we want agents who heal to do so because it allows them to perform their role, NOT have healing define their role. If that makes sense.

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Funkyfreshprince

Apologies, your explanation makes a lot more sense

No need to apologize, my post seems a bit strongly worded in hindsight - I think I'm just extra sensitive to this wording right now with all the healing conversations going on, haha. Healing is just a value we have in the game, just like smokes, damaging abilities, blinds, etc. People tend to latch onto it as a role because it's a role in other games, but it's just an output in ours!

about 4 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by ElDuderino2112

Lmao making duelist have the highest self heal is stupid as f**k. They should have to rely on their team for help, not just completely disregard everything their team is doing and go off and do their own thing.

This is a team competitive shooter in case you forgot Morello.

Should the person who helps *others* have a high self-heal? That makes less sense.

about 4 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Kazzuuuu

Okay I get that we shouldn’t beat an Op peaking with a Vandal, but in that same breath the person using the Op shouldn’t win close range engagements either. It’s way too easy to just walk with scope up or even quick scope people. Make it do less damage at close range. A scope sound. Something.

One thing not covered; we do think the "op meta" problem is more about offensive utility profiles. Breach buffs and general flash and debuff utility are key to making this easier for more teams.

This problem is mostly centered in mid-tier play, so we wanna make the options in beating it centered there too (as in tournament play double-ops get slammed) but that still mattered.

about 4 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


We used to joke "CS man" is the most OP agent we can make

about 4 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by mailwasnotforwarded

I hope Riot actually forms a professional testing committee. I would love to see all the pro players be beta testers for new agents and maps and they just have to sign NDAs. Then they can test every agent and map before they are announced or released. This way they can design agents that would satisfy the professional community and others that would satisfy general play. The professional league can easily just ban certain agents from being used just like back in the day in counter-strike when riot shields existed.

I'd love this. Playtest team on LoL was so helpful.

about 4 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by HardRodBrah

I understand how the turret aspect can be balanced but I don't how I feel about a turret being introduced into a precision shooter game to begin with. It's more of the concept that bothers me. The idea of an ai controlled turret killing you in this genre of game feels off to me.

TBH I think this is the feeling that's really hitting people. We think this is the opportunity to introduce new concepts to a precision game without making it untactical (I'm confident on that) but there's definitely a sour taste around it. It's hard to quantify, but I see that

about 4 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Coinflip golds like Nickwu, Volcano, Excal, and ntt, but sure.

My job as a design lead isn't "use my experience in game and go balance something" - that'd be dumb af. It's to leverage the expertise and opinions of my team, ensure our philosophy is consistent and help them get things done. Half the stuff I tell you is the analysis my team does, not my personal opinion.

about 4 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by thering66

Morello really hates healing lol

Ya ain't wrong :D

about 4 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Thanks for putting this together. You're doin' work out here!

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by As1anSupremac1st

I’m confused. Does killjoys ult stop you from moving or does it just disable your abilities and weapons but still let you run?

If the debuff actually manages to hit you, you’re slowed heavily for the duration of the debuff effect on top of not being able to use abilities or weapons. So you can still move, but not much.

Basically, you really don’t want to be in the radius when it goes off.

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Niko2425

So what if I hide it on top of a box in a corner they either have to rush push and either kill my team in 13 seconds or manage to break it or else they have to wait over 15 seconds to back up and come back to retake?

Pretty much, yeah. You can also kill it with things like brimstone ult or raze grenades, so you don’t always need line of sight to kill it, and you can see its location on the minimap. It has 150 health so it dies quickly if you reach it.