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almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by Heeeeather

It looks awesome! I wish they included Phantom or Vandal though.

We talked a bit about the Phantom skin that existed at one point for this skin line and how we had to cut it from the lineup due to gameplay readability concerns in this article: https://as.com/meristation/2020/09/24/noticias/1600965049_885744.html

Basically, the skinned Phantom was hard to recognize from a silhouette perspective, so we made the hard decision to kill it. We thought you'd all love a Phantom in this set (we wanted it too), but we didn't want to compromise competitive integrity just to get a Phantom in there.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by cupidstoleyograndma

if there’s a different animation to this knife instead of a flip or boring default pull out (I’m not calling current animation uncreative just want something different) I would probably buy this bundle twice lol, other than that this is a really cool bundle will fs get the classic and operator, but hopefully a new pullout animation 😫

Damn! I hope we meet your expectations then!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by Ghostkill221

Massive respect for making the hard decision.

Thank you! It's sad to cut stuff, but it's worse if we make it and it's bad for the game.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by Four_Horse

Mad respect for keeping competetive integrity! I just hope it doesn't put this set in a negative light.

Same! I hope people still love the other skins, especially the Classic and Operator.

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by cupidstoleyograndma

Oooh i’m hype now lol

Im curious to hear your thoughts on how different of an animation you'd want to see for something like this? we get this feedback a lot and in a hopes to understand a bit more, im going to pick you to begin helping us with that. Say you had a regular knife, similar to the Ego or Smite ones. Would a new equip animation on that be exciting? or for you is it more of the animations with a new type of weapon?
We always try to find opportunities to add to melee weapons where we can without completely reinventing the wheel, so id love to hear from your perspective what amount of change would be exciting for you?

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by killeromega6

I think for melee’s in particular, they have to be different from the default knife for them to sell well. There are so many default skin recolours that people just dont find it worth it to consider purchasing them anymore. I guess a new animation on a default knife might be a bit more interesting than a normal default knife but i’m sure a completely new knife like the prime, elderflame, sovereign or glitchpop is way more preferred because of how unique and disctinct they are in comparison to the default knife and in relation to each other.

so when you think about those examples, particularly prime and sovereign, do those having the same equip and attack animations bother you? or is their model change enough to still be appealing?

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by Goku560

Hi, in my opinion you guys should add the Phantom back. Look at it from this perspective the Elderflame vandal also dosent look like a vandal kind of but due to popular streamers using it and it's been a long time it's been in the game now everyone knows it's as Elderflame vandal. The same will go with the new phantom. Once it's in the game for sometime everyone will know this is a phantom skin gun because the skin is going to have huge popularity like Elderflame . Please reconsider adding the Phantom back. I hope I helped and I didn't disturb thanks!

Hehe well we've talked about before that if players like a skinline we can always revisit later with new weapons. You're right that the Elderflame Vandal caused a lot of that early on confusion and internally we always said that was as far as we wanted to go in terms of something feeling different. When we were in the early phases of the G.U.N development, we had lots of comments and concerns that the Phantom we were making was just way too far out of the expectation. The classic also got a lot of this feedback but was salvageable.

A huge part of it was us not catching it early enough to make the change, so if we do revisit its definitely something we know to look out for now.

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by Iiqhtninq

Instantly thought of Fallout's Alien Blaster, at least this time it looks like they have VFX?

they do!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by killeromega6

Yes the base model change is enough for me but i would like to see newer models with different animations in the future. Also i’m really really glad that the riot personnel are so interested to hear community opinion. I know not everything the community wants will/ can be implemented but i’m happy that you guys actually listen

Thanks! I know it probably doesn’t seem like it but we honestly do read and listen to a lot of what we hear. Changes just take time and Reddit isn’t always representative of all players around the world.

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by cupidstoleyograndma

Them having the same equip bothers a tad bit, but maybe that’s just a loud minority’s pettiness kicking in, them alone being unique as a sword or axe is good enough, in my, and from what I’ve seen, a lot of people’s opinions. The same inspect is probably the only thing that sticks out to me.

Totally agree about the inspects. We're definitely looking into ways for these to feel better in the future since its the most unrelated to gameplay and offers a unique opportunity space

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by NOMISSS

Not OP, but I’m gonna be honest with you, the axe and the sword are so different model-wise that I didn’t even occur to me that the animations were the same. If there were to be two melees that look even just a tad more similar though...

So for example we had a different axe - some viking sort of inspired thing (not saying we're working on a viking skin just an example :P) - even though the model is distinct from the Prime axe, that would be more apparent that they share the same animset, and you'd likely want to see a different anim to further differentiate the two, correct?

If thats what you're after I completely get it, and for us what we have to find is a fine balance between reinventing the wheel like ive mentioned. Some of our animators may work to make things feel different but on a similar enough type of weapon, youd have to go pretty far for it to be noticeable. So its a fine balance of how much of this are we able to modify, vs completely restart. The more unique things we do, the longer they take, and the longer players may have to wait for it. By no means does that mean its not worth doing but its definitely something we consider when working on new skinlines. For some thematics we find that the effort is better spent on anims or vfx, and for others it might not be.

We're definitely evaluating all of this though, just taking a look at where we put the majority of our efforts to see if theres adjustments we can make. Its all tradeoffs and we're willing to make them :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by cupidstoleyograndma

Ok, cupid here again, saw the knife. I love the pop out animation, although it was a flip, but it was “different”. I like it imo, however It would’ve been cool if the vfx had the circles around them instead of grey regular ones, but I still think this is my favorite knife lol. Woulda also been happy about a finisher of a ufo taking away someone, but the skins are already made and in the system. Have my money haha

Haha! A UFO finisher idea sounds amazing :)