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The German VALORANT twitter account just shared an articles which provides insight into Killjoy and her abilities: https://twitter.com/valorantde/status/1288406696289882112

Translation of the main points on her abilities:


The bot itself doesn't deal a lot of damage and is mainly used for the debuff. - Cost: 200


Starts shooting three bursts after 0.75 seconds. Damage 8/6/4 for <20m/20-35m/>35m. Turret has 125 HP. - Cost: Signature


High damage grenade which needs to be activated manually. Invisible once deployed.


Prevents enemies from using weapons or abilities. Takes 13 seconds to detonate after deployment. Device can be destroyed and has 150 HP. - Cost: 7 Ult Points

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about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by hvk13

I hope we can destroy the grenade or I'm gonna be paranoid af when defusing

You can destroy it, yup. When you close, it's stealthed like a cypher trap and you can shoot it to destroy it.

Killjoys often place swarm nades on the bomb post-plant, but once players get used to that, they check for nades before going for a defuse - they're easy to kill if you're looking for them.

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by cornmealius

Thank you, how about alarm bot? Can that be “scouted” before getting hit by it?

Yup! And even if it does see you you can still shoot it and destroy it before it explodes.