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I've played thousands of hours of FPS games. Sometimes I have bad days, bad games.

But NEVER in all those thousands of hours have I had games were I have felt as inconsistent as Valorant.

The main problem is not even with my performance or my aim.

It's that some games the Peeker's advantage feels 100x worse than others, with the same ping differences. Some games I don't even have a fighting chance, I just get one-tapped every round.

The weird thing is that this is MATCH specific. From round to round my performance is fairly consistent within each match. One match everything feels fine and I have a fighting chance, the next I literally die to what feels like 5 aimbots on the enemy team.

It's like some games I'm being put in a server that just says "f*ck your connection in particular" and I die before even being able to fight back.

My main account is Immortal 2. I recently made a new one and am currently Plat. This inconsistency is so bad that some games I feed 5-20 on my Plat account, as an Immortal player. I have NEVER in my LIFE had such bad games on secondary accounts in thousands of hours of CS GO or Overwatch.

I refuse to believe that for some magical reason I'm only turning into a complete bot in certain selected matches only in Valorant and in no other game I've ever played and then I'm 100% completely fine the next match I play 5 minutes later.

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about 4 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by getnutty

It's 10000% inconsistent. I came from CSGO, playing ESEA - was ranked A/A+ in ESEA, hit global in mm. Pugged numerous times against pro/semi pros like roca, rush, etc.

Yes - they would dump on me. But it was never a situation where I couldn't even get 1 shot off. They would hs me, but I'd usually AT LEAST be able to 1-2 shot them even when I die. In Valorant, play against some random diamond kid and I'll hold an angle with an awp and just get strafe 1 tapped. So many times I'm dead without even being able to get ONE shot off.

And this isn't even to mention their notorious routing problems - zero issues with csgo in Chicago, get 30-40+ ping, contact Riot, provide all logs, they basically tell me try VPN. Use NordVPN, literally pick a server 30 miles away from my house and get 10 ping in game.

Valorant is definitely inconsistent and glitchy.

Which ISP and what is your location?

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by getnutty

Supernova Networks in Chicago, Illinois. Not a big time player I don't believe in the ISP world. I e-mailed their support to ask for a tier 2 tech regarding nodes that I was receiving random packet loss and not response (obviously).

If you send me a traceroute to I'll see what we can find for them.