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over 2 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by moose731

I’m starting to think they’re just never gonna buff yoru

We have changes we want to make, we just need resources from other teams to make them happen. When balance changes are just numbers tweaks, we can take it on ourselves - when we have to involve other disciplines (animation, VFX, etc. etc.) it takes time to incorporate it into their already-busy schedule.

It's a bummer for us, too, but we absolutely have changes. We just can't commit to a date that they'll actually ship quite yet.

over 2 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by tbone603727

Any hints on the team’s current thoughts about kayo or weapon balance?

Kayo’s weak in matchmaking. Likely needs buffs - we’re investigating.

Weapon balance is looking pretty good for the most part, but we think there are some opportunities for us to make things feel better. No big outlier balance issues, though, primarily design philosophy stuff.

over 2 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by AjBlue7

What is the excuse for not balancing Skye then? She was perfectly fine before and then you changed flashes across the board but for some reason unique to skye you gave her two free flashes per round and the ability to shoot her gun immediately after using her flash. She is terrorizing ranked, it is anti-fun playing with or against her.

We talk about Skye a lot but she’s actually not a balance problem - 49% winrate and her winrate gets worse the higher MMR you get.

That being said we know she’s strong in pro play (from our conversations with pros) and can be frustrating to play against (from our surveys we send every patch), and we also play the game a lot ourselves at a reasonably high level and feel some of the frustration too, hence why she’s a topic of discussion. I can’t promise anything or go into details but we’re very aware of it, she’s just got a few more moving parts than some of our more cut and dry balance topics.