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After the last update my fps went from 250-200 in fights down to 100fps and its unplayable. Anyone else got the same problem in medium to high end pc?

Solved: My game was borderless instead of fullscreen for some reason

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over 3 years ago - /u/RiotTorqued - Direct link

Originally posted by speerme

So I recently built a new computer, 3070x GPU and I’m getting between 150-200 FPS while a friend with the same card is getting 300+. It could be my CPU bottlenecking me (3600x) so I am exchanging that tomorrow for a 5600x. Honestly think it’s just a VALORANT problem though, but it could be both. Really hope it is fixed and improved for everyone

Your CPU is the bottleneck, Valorant is generally CPU bound on modern computers. You can find more details here:https://twitter.com/RiotNu/status/1368021402859626500?s=20

Differences between CPU and memory config are what determine the performance you are seeing compared to your friend. Since GPU is not the limiting factor for performance on your configuration, looking at your friends FPS based on just the GPU won't tell you much about the performance you should expect.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotTorqued - Direct link

Originally posted by speerme

Unfortunately upgrading to the 5600x from the 3600x didn’t fix the issue. Last night it seemed to be higher than what it was, mostly seemed to be at 200+. Playing today it’s hard to get past 200 and I seem to average what I had before, even dipping below 144 which it hadn’t really done before

You could try disabling full screen optimizations or double checking your ram is set up properly. That does seem low for your sepcs

over 1 year ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Hi @Elvenloverxd

I’ve added this information to our internal performance report. Thanks!

You may find our performance improvement suggestions to be of help, here: