over 2 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Did you happen to get a recording of the audio bug happening? would be very helpful to see/hear it. Though, no worries if not! :slight_smile:

Curious as to what headphones/headset you use and any software? and your sound card and audio driver version.

You can check your audio driver version by:

  1. In your Start Menu search bar, search for ‘Device Manager’ and select it
  2. Select ‘Sound, video and game controllers’
  3. Right click on your sound card and select ‘Properties’
  4. Select the ‘Driver’ tab to see the ‘Driver Version’ details

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

No problem :slight_smile: the info is much appreciated! I’ll pass this on to development and see if we can reproduce it. Thanks again!