almost 5 years ago - Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

We did design this specifically to have players succeed in finishing maps in order to acrue progression on these milestones/challenges. It’s counter intuitive to have it any other way from our perspective as we don’t want to ever encourage a map to disband early. Any started map should be finished, or failed through legitimate failure (ideally).

edit: I suppose a counter argument might be that a legitimate fail is still an attempt, and could well happen right at the end of a map, at which point shouldn’t it be sage to reward people in some part for their efforts? Sadly we can’t determine what a legitimate fail is versus an intentional one, and we made a game that’s supposed to kick your butt a bit, and rewarding success (and not failure) is our MO!

almost 5 years ago - SmokerT69 - Direct link

The game currently has around ~6-9k players during prime time. And even at weird hours in the middle of the night, it hovers around ~3k players.

I don’t think anyone is being a white knight. You had a suggestion, but in reality, it’s a very bad idea. I mean, I wanted to be able to dual wield hagbanes on my elven goddess. But the Devs told me no :frowning: Either way, I think everything was cleared up and this is not a bug, so I’m gonna close this now as it’s just getting repetitive. Good talk