about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

So game development changes fast, particularly moment to moment, so I feel daily updates might not prove very helpful here other than seeing “yup, there’s still work done on it,” which in my experience people tend to get a bit weary of. I can push for more “this is being worked on” in the community updates, however.

about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

Well that’s the nature of the problem. If you’re followed our history, we’ve ETA’ed before, and it’s made us very cautious.

The way I see it, from a CM perspective, is daily status updates can create expectations that things are always going to turn out well. The fact of game dev is, is that things are cut, changed, delayed, or re-prioritized quite often. What happened one day might change to something different the next. And that can cause upset externally.

For what it’s worth, we do maintain a list of known issues, both in this forum, in our patch notes, and in our support portal. We’re working on these issues, and say we are, but people seem displeased with that, and likely will continue to be until the issues are fixed. In my experience, people want to see more “this is fixed” rather than “this is being fixed (for x amount of days you see this status continually)” as the latter can be a longer time period, depending on what we find, changing systems and technology, etc.

I can for sure push for weekly updates when info gets more solidified, however, rather than pushing piecemeal daily that might confuse people.

[Edit: typo]

about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

It’s an interesting idea we’ve batted around before, as well. I can’t promise we’ll have a document like that [like a master post of solved issues outside of what we have in the support portal], but I’d be willing to float the idea by the team again, of course.

about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

It’s not that I don’t want you to know what we’re doing, it’s that a daily document is not going to give you the answers you seek. It’s more likely you want to hear your concerns are being listened to and there’s solves on the way, and some of those things don’t have solves yet other than “it’s being considered” and that only creates good will but for so long. Again, happy to give weekly updates on what I can, but daily likely won’t do much good here. A daily document just isn’t useful in this way.

Ergo, if something shifts or moves daily, it’s very easy to get fixed into that, even though that’s the nature of gamedev. Also contrary to popular belief, CMs DO have more on their plate than responding to people on forums.

I wish I knew how to play minesweeper

about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

Had one ready to go, but due to some internal things happening and most off for Xmas, I had to push the next community update to later.

about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

As I’ve told others, I can’t make you believe anything I say. Usually community updates are attached to other parts of larger communication going out to other outlets, and since it’s the holiday, we need to wait for the holidays to be over before we can push out this update. I know that sucks, but that’s the long and short of it.

about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

The triage hasn’t changed in performance and stability as noted in our last community update fwiw

about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

So I did manage to have some back and forth with some devs over the holidays and hopefully some good news is in the pipes. To avoid me having foot in mouth syndrome, I obviously can’t promise what, when, and how; but I’ve heard heartening things internally; at least! Stay tuned for some updates after the new year.

about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

It’s ultimately going to depend if the (heartening, from what I’ve heard) discussions happening internally come to definite conclusions as we return from the holidays, as well as making sure that the info we want to go out with has everything aligned to distribute to other outlets (if you’re eagle-eyed, you might notice some community updates coincide with reports from other media outlets).

You’ve been with us for a while, and based on past communications this year, we’re being more cautious than usual with this next one and playing a bit close to the chest on when it’ll be released, just to be on the safe side.

about 2 years ago - Aqshy - Direct link

Not sure if there will be a community update this week; will ask; but I suspect it’ll be after we have a bit more sharks in the office.